The Loaded Gun

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(Salutations all and thanks for continuing to read.)

You looked at Armin, puzzled. He was still clutching onto your father's chocolate hat. But he slowed down his tears. Your mom put her arm around the blonde boy. She, too looked confused


"F/N," Armin began softly, "could I keep this hat? It reminds me of my... Papi." He clearly looked upset over the milk chocolate of the hat


"Armin are you alright?" your mom asked him, sounding concerned. He nodded his head, trying to brighten up. A few streaks of tear drops made their way across his face

"I'm okay Mrs. L/N. F/N didn't do anything to upset me," Armin told your mom. His voice sounded shaken with determination, but his eyes ceased to produce any more tears.

Your mom looked at you, then at Armin. "I see," she murmured.

You saw as Armin gave you a faint smile. It was clear he still missed his grandfather after his death. You felt really dried up toward this.

Did he go through a lot of pain of having known his parents have left?

You then suddenly remembered he had Mikasa who gave him more than enough concern. You mom took her arm away from Armin and approached you.

"Don't let it happen again," she whispered fiercely.

You tried your hardest not to roll your eyes.

She doesn't act fake to me, but to Armin? you thought with annoyance.

"Please tell me if there's anything you need," your mom told Armin.

He nodded his thanks as she left the room. Sighing heavily, you banged your forehead once against the wall.

"Yeah, I know," you told him. "You should eat that though."

You pointed to the cinnamon bun you had put beside him. "Oh thanks," he said, picking it up and taking a small bit of it. There was an awkward silence that filled the room as you stood there while Armin chewed slowly.

You could hear your parents talking downstairs , but you were not sure of what.

Probably I could tell him now , you decided to yourself.

As Armin finished his dessert, you approached him and stood in front of the blue-eyed boy. You had to let Armin know and realize what kind of personality your mom truly had.

He is going to live with you for some time now. Mikasa better not get him early. Armin shifted slightly on the bed. "Armin," you began. He looked at you standing in front of him.

"My mom isn't as she really is," you told him. "What? So then she's a titan?!" Armin exclaimed, sounding shocked


He dropped the chocolate hat, which landed on the floor up right. You shook you head and bent down. Grabbing the hat, you placed it on top of Armin's head. "No," you replied.

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