Not Past 8:30

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(Salutations out there and sorry for the long hold on updating.)

"So like, can you give me your hot pockets?" your best friend whined. "Oh and tell Armin I said yo what up Nugget Chan!"

You turned to face her. Armin had just left the room, unnoticed. You mentally slapped yourself for not feeling responsible.

God damn he better not tell Mikasa any of this.

"Dude, just wait," you sighed.

Your friend was balancing on a freaking tall ladder up your second floor window alright. But of course that wouldn't stop her from getting food.

She definitely looked eager for a hot pocket. "Come on F/N!" she impatiently said. "My mom doesn't even know where the hell I am."

This has happened a lot in the past so of course you didn't react to this. But before you could head out the room, you saw Armin coming back.

He held a box of your favorite hot pockets in his hands. You hadn't opened them yet. This caused you to feel regret within you. "Uh Armin-"

"Holy crap," your friend interrupted. "I like need them now." Armin approached the window and slowly reached out the box to your friend. "Oh yeah, these are what you wanted right?" Armin checked.

Your friend nodded eagerly and reached out her arms toward the blonde boy. He handed the box to her, almost unsure of what he was doing.

"Thanks! I gotta go now. My mom might be pissed," your friend quickly said.

You and Armin told her goodbye. Peering out from the window, you watched as your friend hurriedly made her way down the steps of the tall ladder.

It was almost a long drop down. Armin blinked and then looked at you.

"I went to the kitchen and your mom just offered me the box," he explained, looking almost flustered. Your shoulders drooped. It was the last unopened box of hot pockets you had.

If only I ate one for breakfast, you thought with regret. Discarding the thought, a worried expression was then plastered onto Armin's face.

His face went pale and his blue orbs were filled with uncertainty. "Armin-?" "Uhh, what time is it?" Armin said in a strained voice.

You slipped your phone out from your pocket to glimpse at the time. "8:19," you replied, giving Armin a questioning look. He instantly struck a terrified expression on his face.

"F/N," he stuttered your name out. "Mikasa doesn't let up past 8:00. S-she's going to kill you first then me!" A moment of panic shot through you at the thought of Mikasa squaring up on you.

Shaking your head, you knew she wasn't around to witness this. Sighing with a bit of relief, Armin still wasn't looking so good.

Anxiousness never seemed to leave from him. "Armin, she won't know unless you tell her," you told him. He took a few steps away from you. He now had the most worried looking face poured on to him. "She will know!" Armin exclaimed. "Trust me, you can't hide anything from Mikasa."

You weren't sure how to react toward this. She was probably back home, you guessed to yourself. "Just-"

You were then interrupted by your phone's ringtone of Levi's voice saying his signature phrase; 'Oi Eren!' This jolted your body a little.

Armin's eyes widened more. He shrank back and a single streak of cold sweat dripped down his left cheek. You pulled out your phone to see an unknown number.

It didn't match any numbers belonging to one of your friends. Swiping your finger aside on the screen to answer it, your ears detected that familiar voice. You now felt as creeped out as Armin too toward this simple misunderstanding.

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