Chapter Five: Thomas's Birthday Breakfast

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Soon the day had finally arrived. Thomas's birthday had came quickly for both him and his sides. Thomas woke up that morning at seven o'clock. He showered quickly and got dressed for the day. But as he did he was greeted by his sides gathered on the living room couch talking with each other. Thomas thought nothing of it until he started listening in on their conversation. What heard shocked him. " I don't know guys I still feel bad for doing what I did. I know it was a good thing. But I can't help but feel like I broke my promise to Thomas by doing this to Nico." Janus said knowing how bad he felt doing the phone call and making the choice for Thomas. Instead of letting his host do it himself and choose what he actually wanted to do for his birthday. The other sides frowned. They had been feeling the same way for the last week or so. Like they had done something wrong. When they know they haven't. But they still felt like they did. As they did go behind their host's back and call his new crush and friend. Inviting said friend over for a surprise party. That their host also didn't know they were throwing for him because it's supposed to be a surprise. But so was Nico coming to the apartment today for the party to spend time with Thomas. " We know Janus we do to. But there's no turning back now. Everything is happening tonight. We have no time to stop it now. We could've days ago before this happened. We're very sorry. But if we ever do this again we promise to listen to your issues with it. We'll let you think on it more before doing anything you don't think we should." Roman said knowing they had pushed Janus to do this. Which was a wrong move on their part. He felt terrible. But he knew they had done the right thing in the end. Even if they thought Thomas would be mad at them all for doing this behind his back. Also revealing themselves to Nico without him there. Thomas was shocked yet confused by what they were saying. He knew they wouldn't tell him about what they were doing. As Roman said it was happening tonight. But when he had asked Patton and Janus about what they were doing the morning after they figured out both problems they didn't tell him anything. He noticed a lot of stuff about Patton's behavior though.

Like how Patton was fidgeting with his cat hoodie sleeves. His morality wasn't smiling either which wasn't normal. Unless he was really upset or hiding something from Thomas. He didn't believe Patton would lie. As Patton always said lying was bad. It was immoral in Patton's eyes. Thomas found it funny. As Patton was in love with his lying side and has always been in love with that side. But Thomas was curious about what they were talking about. So he might as well ask them. " Hey guys." Thomas called wanting their attention quickly. The sides jumped scared by their host's voice calling to them. They all looked in Thomas's direction and gave him a small smile. " Hey Thomas." They all said happy to see their friend was awake and ready to go for the day. They didn't know how long Thomas's had been standing there for but they assumed he had heard them talking. " So what are you all talking about?" Thomas asked wondering what they were hiding from him. The sides got nervous at that question. It made them realize Thomas had heard them. They were trying to come up with something to say when Patton spoke up. " Just about today kiddo. Were very excited about your birthday. Were hoping to spend time with you for it." Patton said knowing it wasn't a lie at all. They all did want to spend time with Thomas today. Since it was their host's birthday. It was only right that they got to spend time with him as well. Thomas smiled at that. He did want to spend time with them as well. " We will when I get back. I promise. Now I have to go. See ya later." Thomas said ready to go see his family for the morning. " See ya." They all said knowing they will. Thomas left after that and went to his car ready to head off.

Time skip

Once Thomas had gotten to his parents house he had noticed that his brothers were already there with their families. He smiled. He enjoyed seeing their kids. They were great to him. He got out of the car locking it behind him. He double checked to make sure it was locked. Virgil helping him there. He smiled once he realized it was locked. He went to the door quickly not wanting to be late. He knocked on the door and waited for either his mother or father to answer it. Or one of his brothers to. The door opened after a few minutes to Thomas was greeted by his mother. They greeted each other as Thomas came into the house smiling all the way. He went to the kitchen with his mother where they saw his father and brothers sitting at the table with their families. They all greeted him as he sat down. His mother put breakfast on the table telling everyone to help themselves. Everyone did and started eating once they had everything they wanted to eat. As they ate Thomas only had one thing on his mind. What were his sides hiding from him?

To Be Continued

Happy Birthday Thomas Love Your SidesWhere stories live. Discover now