Chapter Eleven: Surprise

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Once the three got back to Thomas's place they realized the door wasn't locked. Which made Joan worry. Thomas always locked his door before going anywhere or going to sleep for the night. So this was very unusual. Talyn on the other had thought it might have slipped Thomas's mind. Things like this happened sometimes and it wasn't unusual to forget about them at all. " Ummmmm Thomas you locked the door right?" Joan asked wondering if he did. Thomas just nodded to scared to answer at the moment. Talyn just sighed thinking they were overreacting about it. " Oh come on guys this nothing happened. Thomas just forgot to lock the door that's all. It happens to the best of us." Talyn said knowing that this just happens sometimes. There was no reason to panic. Well that's what they thought until they heard a bang from inside the apartment. That had frightened all of them. They all hugged each other out of fear wondering the same thing. What was that noise and who had made it? All they knew that it was someone inside Thomas's home. Which wasn't good for them all. Mostly it wasn't good for Thomas. As that meant he wasn't as observant as usual and had forgotten to lock his apartment door. Which he was sure he had done when he left that morning. The group of three all looked at each other wondering who would go see and face who was on the other side of the door. " Okay what was that?" Talyn asked wondering who or what made that noise from inside Thomas's apartment. " I don't know. But who's gonna find out?" Joan asked wondering which one of them was going to go inside and see what was going on inside the apartment.

Then the two friends looked to Thomas. He did live in the apartment and was meant to lock the door to it. Which apparently he didn't do this time. They didn't want to go in and be attacked causing a bigger problem for Thomas. Especially when it's his special day. Thomas groaned noticing this. They both did have a point though. This was his apartment and was his problem to deal with. " Alright I'll do it but you two owe me big time if I get attacked by this someone." Thomas said informing the two that they would be paying for him getting attacked on his birthday of all days. They two shrugged finding that fair as they were leaving Thomas to be attacked by a burglar or something. So they knew that they would kind of deserve it if that happened. " Alright here I go." Thomas said preparing himself to go into his apartment and face this problem. Thomas went up to the door slowly not wanting to scare the person or people on the other side away. He reached for the doorknob and opened the door noticing the apartment was dark. Which was good that was normal to him. He turned off the lights to save the energy bill. But it still felt off to him. Like someone was there watching him. He went into the living room slowly. Not wanting to scare off who was inside. Joan and Talyn followed him not wanting him to be alone with this person. As they came inside Talyn was finding it hard to see in the dark. So they turned on the lights not expecting what happened next.

" Surprise." The sides and Nico said happy that Thomas was home and they can start the party. Thomas was very surprised. He didn't know his sides had been planning a surprise party for him. It was very sweet of them in Thomas's eyes. But he was even more surprised by what the sides did. Something they did behind his back and he didn't realize until now. But wanted to know how first. " Nico what are you doing here?" Thomas asked wondering why Nico was there and how he got into his apartment. Nico just smiled knowing that the sides had done it now but he wasn't going to lie to Thomas about it. He might as well tell him. " Well I got a text from you this morning to come to your apartment around four o'clock. So I came to find six of you in your apartment. I found it odd at first but their really nice. Even the green cladded one." Nico said knowing what really happened but didn't want to tell Thomas. He feared he would get upset with his sides. Thomas got suspicious at that. He didn't want to keep pressing so he looked at his phone and checked his text with Nico. The sides got anxious about what he was doing but said nothing. They knew they were in trouble at this point so their was no use in hiding it. Not after all of this. Nico knew they were nervous about this. But he didn't want to give Thomas a hint that they had introduced themselves to him. Even if Thomas didn't know the rules for the sides while Nico did he still didn't want Thomas to be upset with them. Not after they set up this party for him.

Once Thomas finished looking at the text he looked at his sides with a gentle and caring look on his face. " Thank you all of you. This is the best present I could've asked for from anyone. I don't deserve you guys." Thomas said knowing he didn't deserve his sides for what they do for him. They all were a bit bashful as Thomas said it but Remus just laughed and made a comment. " Well you do but were so glad Nico came and helped us with the set up." Remus said knowing that they had help from the songwriter. " Thanks for giving me credit Remus-Oh no." Nico said realizing what he said right away. The sides all groaned seeing Thomas's mood change from happy to upset and glaring at them. He knew one rule the sides had given him after they met Joan and Talyn. He needed to be there when introductions are going on. Thomas knew that they had broken it but not known why. But it would be talked about later. As he just wanted to relax and party with everyone. " We'll talk about this tomorrow." Thomas said looking at all his sides. They all just nodded knowing they would for sure do that. After all that happened Thomas perk up again. He wanted today to be happy and not full of anger and sadness. There was always tomorrow for this stuff. " Let's start the party then." Thomas said ready for this fun that his side family set up for him. Everyone agreed as Virgil turned on the music from his phone to the Bluetooth speaker. Everyone started dancing and chatting as they grabbed drinks and food from the kitchen. They all were just glad that today would be a day filled with joy. That's all that mattered to them.

To Be Continue.

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