Chapter Ten: Joan and Talyn's Help

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Thomas was having a great time with his birthday so far. Breakfast had gone well with his family. He told them about Nico and how they had became friends over the time he had spent with each other. But he didn't expect them to ask if he liked Nico in a romantic way. It had made him blush from embarrassment and a bit of his true feelings towards his song writing friend. He did though. He really liked Nico. But it's only been four months. There was no reason to get into a relationship now. Especially when he was still a bit hung up on his ex. Yes Roman and Patton were still working on it. Which meant he was still working on it. But those feelings never really go away. Even if you find another person you love they never really disappear. But for Thomas he would never keep someone in a bad relationship. So he was moving on and finding love somewhere else. So far his day was great after that as well. He had met up with Joan and Talyn. They had lunch and went shopping around the mall. It was making Thomas feel bad though. This was where he had met Nico. His new friend. His new love interest. And now the person he denied spending his birthday with. But he had to. He wasn't ready for Joan and Talyn to meet him. Thomas wasn't ready either. The most worrisome question was if they would accept Nico into all their lives. Thomas knew it was just his anxiety talking but you never know. Sometimes people don't click with others. He didn't know if it would end up being good or bed so he just went with what his sides said and waited for tomorrow.

Throughout the day though Joan and Talyn had noticed Thomas wasn't feeling like himself. He wasn't being upbeat and excited. It was more like he was stuck in his head again. It didn't happen often. When it did though it made them worry. Thomas being stuck in his head meant the sides were having another situation inside the mindscape. It wasn't good when that happened. So they knew they needed to snap their best friend out of it. Before they got home. As the three went to Thomas's car Joan grabbed Thomas's shoulder while Talyn took his left hand. Thomas looked at them confused by this. They didn't do this much unless it was to comfort him. They had done this during his break up with his ex. But now they were doing it again. He didn't know why. Thomas just accepted it. It was nice to have people on his side after all. Along with being by his side. " What's going on guys?" Thomas asked wondering why they were doing this now. He hadn't thought he looked gloomy or angered by something. So their must have been something else wrong. He didn't know what it was. But they saw it. His friends had noticed something he didn't. This is why he was grateful for them both. " That's what we want to know?" Joan asked wondering what was going on with his best friend. He knew Thomas was being out of character. He just knew that Thomas needed their comfort and attention right now. " Well I'm nervous and upset right now." Thomas said telling them how he felt right now. He had felt like this all day. Ever since he woke up he felt like that. All because of his fears of upsetting his friends. New or old ones. He feared losing them. So if he didn't tell them things he knew it would be pushing them away from him. Making sure he lost them in the process. Which he wasn't gonna do. He was going to tell them and keep his head up. No matter what happened with his friends.

This made Joan and Talyn more worried. Being nervous and upset wasn't a good combo for Thomas. He could make his anxiety act up again. Causing him a panic attack and unable to think clearly. They didn't want that again. Joan knew that Thomas needed them right now especially when he felt like this on his birthday of all days. " Well why is that?" Joan asked wanting to know why Thomas felt this way. He knew that once he had the reason he can help Thomas through this. Once that was taken care of they can get back to Thomas's place and relax while having cake and opening Thomas's presents. Talyn smiled at them both hoping it would reassure them. It did and made Thomas comfortable enough to tell them why he was feeling this way. " Well I made a new friend here back in October and I was hoping the day would be spent with him as well." Thomas said knowing that this was a place with the best memory he had of 2020 last year. Even if things were bad he knew things were getting better. They just had to be patient. But that day was a bad day turned good. As he had embarrassed himself just to get a look at Nico's bag as Roman and Virgil told him to. But by the end he had called it a good day and had a lot going through his head. Thomas most looked into thought was how great Nico was and how much he wanted to be with him. But not yet. He didn't want to ruin a good thing. Even though he wanted to. He had to wait and let things run their course. Just for now. Thomas had been blushing as he said that. Which lead Joan and Talyn to suspect there was more to what he was saying. " So you met a friend here? You sure their not more than a friend?" Talyn asked wondering if there was more to this. Thomas got flustered by this as he tried to answer. There was more to it. It's why he did what he did. He wanted to know Nico without asking. Which he had to admit it was kind of weird and creepy. He glad instead of going up to Nico he came to him. What he didn't expect either was that Virgil had pushed him over to Nico. His sides had made him talk to Nico for his own good.

As Thomas stumbled over his words Joan and Talyn giggled knowing their friend was embarrassed and flustered by this question. " Just from your reaction we can see it's more than friends." Joan said knowing that it was. They didn't expect Thomas to get this flustered about it. He was though. It was kind of funny to them and Talyn. But at least they had their answer. Thomas huffed pouting like a child at his friends words. They didn't have to say it like that but they did. They couldn't take it back now. Thomas sighed knowing they were right. They could read him like a book. Which was good he guessed. But telling people your feelings is better than having them guess. " Alright yes I like the guy that way. But I've only known him for four months." Thomas said explaining the situation to them. Moving too fast would drive Nico away in Thomas's head. But going slow would probably also do that. So he was going at a normal speed for relationships of any kind. Letting it grow slowly over time until both parties were ready for this. " Oh. So does this friend have a name?" Talyn asked wanting to know about Thomas's crush. It seemed like Thomas was really set on this guy to them. Like he could see himself having a future with this so called friend. Not that they didn't believe the person Thomas was talking about wasn't a friend. Just that Thomas didn't see it in that way. So why should they and Joan not do the same. " His name is Nico. Nico Flores." Thomas said knowing his two friends need the full name anyway. As they did want Thomas to be safe and not get hurt by someone again. Too much heartbreak in your lifetime could leave you resentful and be hurting someone you love in the future. Joan and Talyn kept in mind for later. Seeing as Thomas didn't invite him to hang out with them today for some reason. They both wouldn't push on the why though. It was Thomas's business not there's. Also it was Thomas's birthday. He got to decide what he was doing and with who. " Alright. So you ready to head home?" Joan asked keeping the name in mind for later. Thomas just nodded and got into the car ready to get back to his place and relax. Joan and Talyn got in after him. Joan started the car and started driving to Thomas's house. As they did they had no idea what they were coming home to and for the sides that lived inside Thomas's head the was a good thing.

To Be Continued.

A/N: So this is what I will be working on for the next few weeks or days depending how long it takes. Also how lazy I get. I would like to say that this might be one of the longer stories but it's worth it. As I haven't finished a long fanfic before. The longest one that's complete is the Good Omens one. So thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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