Chapter Six: Lunch with Friends

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Once eleven forty-five hit Thomas said goodbye to his family and went to his car. He got into the car and sighed happy that breakfast and the morning had gone well for him. He smiled to himself thinking about it. He enjoyed seeing his family it was pretty great. They even asked him about something he dreaded talking about since he break up with his ex-boyfriend. If he had found anyone yet. Which he did have an interest in someone. It was Nico of course. But he didn't tell them that. He didn't want them bothering or telling Nico with anything about it when they met him. He would let Nico meet his family before he told Nico about his developing feeling for the writer. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off. He pulled it out of his pocket quickly along with his keys. He turned it on to see what it was about. It was a text from Nico. He opened his phone and looked at the message quickly. He was surprised by what he saw. Nico had texted him if they were still going to hang out when he and his friends got back to his apartment after lunch. Thomas was surprised by this. But he was also confused as he never told Nico what he had decided and was going to ask him to hang out tomorrow at the mall. Where they first met. But now that he had gotten this text he was confused by it. But had a good guess about it. He texted back asking Nico what he meant by this. Nico texted back explaining what he was talking about. Thomas was even more confused by this text. He hadn't called Nico the morning after he had called him to tell him his choice. He hadn't called him at all during the last week or so. So he asked about it. ' What do you mean I called you about this?' Thomas texted wondering what Nico meant by that explanation. ' You called me the morning after I called you telling me to come over as four. You said that's when you would be home from your lunch with your friends.' Nico texted explaining what he was told by Thomas again to the person who had said it. ' Alright then. I'll see you an hour after though. I'm sure Joan and Talyn would want to go shopping after lunch.' Thomas texted wanting Nico to know that so he wouldn't be wondering where they were when he arrived. Nico texted back saying he was okay with that making Thomas smile about the text.

Once Thomas had gotten his phone squared away his checked the time of his radio stereo. He saw it was five minutes pass noon. Which meant he was late for lunch with Joan and Talyn. So he had to hurry to the mall food court. Without getting himself into danger or into an accident. He turned on his car and checked in the rear view mirror to make sure he looked nice for his best friends. He grabbed his keys and put them in the ignition. He turned on the car and started pulling out of his parents driveway. Once out of the driveway he drove off towards the mall. Hoping Joan and Talyn wouldn't be mad at him for being a few minutes late for lunch with them. Even if he hasn't seen them in a long while. He just hoped that they would both understand why he was late and forgive him for it.

Time skip

Once Thomas had gotten to the mall he parked his car and got out quickly. He started walking as he shut his door locking the car as he did. Not turning back to make sure the car was locked. Or he would risk being more late for seeing his two best friends. He pushed the doors to the mall opened looking to the map to find the food court. Even though he's been there many times before now. He did on habit now. As his sides would be worried that one day Thomas would be in a big rush and run around aimlessly not knowing where he was going but having one place in mind. As soon as Thomas had the directions he went straight to the food court. Not making any detours there or stopping at any stores to shop. Which would get him distracted and make him more late. Which he didn't need right now. Thomas had reached the food court after a few minutes and went to get some food. He decided to stop and get food at Karrot King. The food place he had stopped at while trying to get a look at Nico's backpack to look at his pins to see if he was gay or not. Which he had found Nico was and it made him happy. But it had been embarrassing at first. As he had done a lot of things to embarrass himself. At the end of the day he had completed his task and made a new friend and gotten the attention of his new crush in the process. He smiled as he ordered his food remembering the memory of doing this very well in his mind. But then the memory of Nico coming up to him with the bag of food in his hand played in his mind. He had came to give it to him. He had looked for him. Even if he had embarrassed himself and made himself out to be strange in front of him. He didn't care nor want to care. He was just happy he had gotten Nico's attention out of the whole ordeal.

When Thomas had gotten his food he thank to employee at the counter for the food as he was paying for it. He grabbed the tray and went to go find Joan and Talyn. He scanned every table in the area but soon found them as the booth around the fire place. He went over to them happy to see them now. " Joan Talyn hey. It's good to see you both." Thomas said very happy to see them after so long of not. They did move to another state after all and he had missed them over the last few months. It was good to see them after all this time. Joan and Talyn smiled and looked up to see him. " Hey Thomas. Happy birthday." Talyn said excited about today's events and what was going to happen once they get back to Thomas's place for the night. " Hey bud happy birthday. What's new in your life?" Joan said happy to see Thomas after being away from Florida for so long. He wanted to catch up with his best. Hear about what he was up to. Along with his friends sides. Thomas sat down next to Talyn and sighed. " It's been interesting." Thomas said knowing it has been quite interesting these last few months. He had a lot going on. The sides had been changing a lot in their relationships and personalities. So it was getting fun around his apartment and mind palace. Joan got curious at that. He knew Thomas's life was full of surprises now. Especially after he had met his sides. His facets of his personality as Thomas told them when they had met them all. Sure they didn't meet the last two right away like they had met Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil. But they found them all interesting and fun. But also as friends. They were apart of Thomas so being friends with them meant they would and do have a better understanding of Thomas. " Like Roman and Virgil leading me to talk to a cute guy but embarrassing me in the process interesting." Thomas said explaining what had happened to him back in October. Joan and Talyn perked up at that. Usually when Thomas said that it meant he was ready for another relationship. But they didn't want Thomas to get hurt like he did last time with his ex. " Tell us about this cute guy." Talyn said wanting to know about Nico before they hopefully meet him. " Sure I can tell you about Nico." Thomas said okay with telling them about his crush.

The rest of the lunch was filled with them eating lunch and listening to Thomas talk about Nico. How the two met. How they talked almost everyday now. How he only saw Nico as a friend at the moment. At the moment got Joan and Talyn curious though and Talyn had asked about it. Causing Thomas to tell that he thought of Nico more than a friend but didn't want to rush things with him. Which they understood very well. Taking things slow was good but taking things too slow will make things boring. They just hoped Thomas knew what he was doing. Thomas went back to telling them about Nico after that. But as he was finishing his speaking about them they all realized that they had finished eating. Making Thomas finish their conversation and tell them they should go have some fun. Joan and Talyn agreed ready to go have fun for the day. They got up and grabbed their trays taking them to the trash. Once their table was cleared and the trash thrown away they started walking through the mall wondering which store to go into first. But as they were walking Thomas was thinking about the text that Nico had sent him about coming over. It made him wonder if that was what the sides were talking about this morning? Did they got behind his back? No they wouldn't. Would they?

To Be continued

A/N: Yes I said I would get back to writing an didn't write for most of the week meaning this fic and the art is a day behind and might be more behind from here. But I'm getting this done. I will finish another book and start on others. Thank you guys for being patient. The art will also be on my Pinterest. Which is the username EdenCrowleyFell. It's the one with the picture of the woman in red.

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