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Life was the best that it could ever be. I had amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend, and the best mother I could ever ask for.

That was until I lost all of those things.

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December 22nd, 1995

"You're coming to the performance tonight, right babe?" Luke, my amazing boyfriend of 2 years asks as he grabs his sweater, getting ready to head to the Orpheum.

The Orpheum, the gig where the local band, "Sunset Curve" was set to perform. This life changing gig has them set for the future. Sold out arena's, tours, worldwide fans, best selling albums, the whole package. How could they ever pass up the opportunity to perform there?

That's the thing, they didn't.

I've been putting off this conversation all day. I knew that Luke was gonna hate me after what I had to say, especially since we had both been looking forward to this performance, especially him.

"Luke...I'm really sorry but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it." He stops dead in his tracks and turns around to look at me, a shocked and upset look on his face. "What do you mean you might not make it?" He asks.

I wasn't sure how to explain the situation to him. Hell, I wasn't even sure what the plans that my mom had made tonight were. All I know is that it's most likely that I'll have to miss the performance.

"Do you not realize how important this gig is to me? To the band? We're finally playing the Orpheum!" He walks closer to me and I can already tell that he was getting upset, but what shocked me the most was that he didn't seem angry, although he had every right to be.

"I'm sorry Luke, it's just that...my mom made last minute plans for me to go meet her boss and..I tried, I really did try to make her reschedule but she refused! She said it was a really big deal." I explain as his once upset look, turns into an offended one.

"So you're just gonna miss the biggest night of my life so you can go meet your mom's boss?!"

When the words came out of my mouth, I realized how absurd of an excuse it was, but it wasn't an excuse, it was the truth.

My mother wasn't dumb, she knew that Luke has had a big influence on me these past years. She had made it clear that she would be checking up on me to make sure we didn't sneak out.

"I can't believe this...you're seriously not gonna come? After all those gigs, after all of the times we swore that we would be there for each other, you're just not coming to the performance that's going to change our lives. All so that you can meet some random guy?" He scoffs while rolling his eyes.

Did he not hear what I said? I didn't have a choice. If it was up to me, we would've been heading to the Orpheum right now.


"Luke, this isn't my choice. Can you at least understand that? You know that if it was up to me, I wouldn't be going."

The words went in one ear, and out the other. Luke was upset, stressed, nervous, every emotion that you could feel before a big performance. His mind was everywhere, and this conversation wasn't helping.

"You know what, fine! Go meet your mom's stupid boss for all I care. I didn't even want you to go with me anyways!" He shouts as he turns around to my window, ready to climb out and leave.

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