𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

August 17th, 2020

Life at the compound was anything but ordinary. In one corner you would have Bucky and Sam arguing over which superpower was the best to have, and in another corner, you would have Wanda and I practicing our powers and sometimes messing around with everyone. Finally, in the other corner you'd have the brainiacs which consisted of my Dad, Bruce, and Peter working on who knows what.

Although it was very different from my past life, I am very grateful to be here. I even got used to being called Maia instead of Emily, although I do miss my original name at times.

Everyone has been so kind and has easily welcomed me into the family.

Peter and I even became best friends. I told him about my life in the 90s and even the boys. I played him some of Sunset Curve's best songs and even some songs that were unreleased.

"This one's called Bright, it was the first song that I was going to officially be a part of on the album, but we never got around to recording it. It's starts off as, Sometimes I think I'm falling down; I wanna cry, I'm calling out; For one more try, to feel alive."

It was obvious that I got really excited and happy when I talked about the boys, and despite them not being around anymore, I still wanted to keep their memory alive, even if I had to do it one person at a time.

When talking about the relationships I had with the guys to Peter, I obviously left out the part that Luke and I dated because it is still a sensitive subject for me. I didn't tell him how they died either and what happened that night, I just told him that they were gone.

My mother's death is also still affecting me a lot. She would sometimes appear in my dreams and I would even hear her voice at times. After a bit of therapy, courtesy of my father, my conscience eased a bit.

Today is actually my first day of school since my dad had arranged for me to attend Midtown School of Science, which is actually the same school Peter goes to. He even told me that I could meet his friends today which I was really excited for.

A couple of weeks after I moved here, Pepper, Nat, and Wanda all took me to the mall so I could get some of the newest clothes that were in style since all of my clothes were outdated. We bought everything from sweaters to hair accessories.

"Ooh wait Maia, try on this one! It's really in season right now."

"No, no, no, wait..THIS, this is the one!"

"These shoes are so cute! I might get a pair for myself actually..."

As time went on, I also began to learn more about the AI's my dad made and how I could use L.I.V. to my benefit, especially at school.

She's now connected to my new phone, smart watch, and to an earpiece that I designed myself.

One major thing that I added to her software was a heart monitor. Wanda and I figured out that when my heart rate goes above 160, I start to lose control of my powers. So I made sure that L.I.V. would advise me when I needed to take a deep breathe and calm myself down.

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