𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗: 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Luke's POV:

"Guys, I need your help." I say as everyone looks at me a bit worried.

"What's wrong, is everything okay?" Alex asks as everyone stands up from Julie's bed.

"It's Emily. I...I put her in danger." I say as their eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Reggie asks as I clarify.

"Caleb visited me about fifteen minutes ago, and I didn't know why so I asked him and then he said that he wanted to check up on me after our deal. I had no clue what he was talking about and it turns out that I asked him to erase my memories and when I asked for him to give them back, he offered for me to play at the club for eternity and when I said no I pissed him off so now he wants to find Emily to add her to his house band." I say as I take a deep breath.

That was a really long sentence.

"Woah, woah, dude. Alright, calm down. Okay, look all we have to do is warn Emily. She can take care of herself, trust me." Alex says as he pats me on the back for reassurance.

"Yeah but quick question, how are we going to explain it." Reggie says as I furrow my brows.

Alex shuts his eyes as he realizes what Reggie said. "Right, uh...Luke you're gonna have to stay here." He says as my eyes widen.

"Wait, what?! No way! I want to see her, I have to warn her." I say as both Reggie and Alex shake their heads no.

"No way man, to much has happened since you last saw her. It's better to stay here." Reggie says.

"Guys, c'mon. I was the one that put her in danger...at least let me help." I say, practically begging.

I wanted to make things right, and seeing her was the only way.

They both look at each other and sigh as Alex says, "alright, let's go." I smile as we all huddle up. "We'll be back." Reggie says to Julie as she just nods her head.

Avengers Compound
Luke's POV:

We teleport to a huge building with an "A" on it and I can't help but feel the sense of deja vu. Maybe I've been here before but Caleb erased that memory too.

"Where are we?" I ask as Reggie explains. "This is where Emily lives. We're gonna talk to her dad since he's the one that protects her from all of the evil stuff." He says as we walk inside.

Wait a minute...how would they see us?

This place was huge, futuristic like. Everywhere you looked, it was sparkly clean.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where's everybody?" Alex asks as a voice suddenly speaks up. "In the kitchen Mr. Mercer." The lady voice says. How did she know Alex's last name?

Alex sees my confusion and says, "we'll explain later."

We continue to walk until we stop at what seemed to be the kitchen. There were six people sitting down at the table, one of them had red skin and a glowing stone thingy on his forehead.

"Hey guys." Reggie says as he gives them his classic wave and Alex says, "Hi."

Everyone looks up at them and greets them.

"Oh, hello boys!" The man with the glowing stone says. "What brings you guys here?" A man with an interesting beard says as he stands to shake Alex and Reggie's hand. Not even looking me in the eyes.

"Are you all here to see Lady Maia?" A guy with a thick accent and blonde hair says.

"Uh..actually we're here to talk to you guys." Alex says as the guy with red skin stares at me. "We need to tell you guys something, but first we brought someone else." He continues as everyone looks confused.

"You brought Mr. Patterson." Glowy stone guy says as everyone looks at him shocked.

How did he know my name? I guess we've met before.

"Yeah. Do you mind making him visible so he can talk to everyone?" Reggie ask as he nods and he, along with another woman, go up to me.

The woman uses some red magic to take out some magic from the red guys stone and uses it on me.

Soon enough, there was a big flash in the room and when it calmed down, I felt a bit different. But in a good way.

"What just happened?" I ask as I look at Reggie and Alex. I hear gasps around the room as I turn around to see that everyone was now looking at me.

Reggie pats me on the back and Alex says, "they made you visible, man." Both of them had huge smiles on their faces. One starts to creep up on mine as well as the man with the weird beard walks up to me.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Luke. I'm Tony." He says as he goes to shake my hand. I was hesitant at first but I reach out and was able to shake his hand. "The pleasures all mine, sir." I say as he smiles.

The red skinned guy walks up to me to also shake my hand. "Hello Mr. Patterson, I'm Vision and this is my partner Wanda. We've heard many good things about you." He says as Wanda also shakes my hand. She smiles and gives me a hug which I return.

Everyone else walks up to me. I meet Thor, Steve and Natasha.

"So what did you boys want to talk about?" Steve asks as he leans on the wall.

"It's about Emily." I say as their eyes widen and they look amongst each other confused.

"H-how do you-" Wanda says before I cut her off. "I found out why I lost my memory. There's this guy, Caleb. He runs a famous ghost club in Hollywood. He has magic of his own so I asked him to erase my memories and he visited me today and after I declined one of his offers, he threatened to take Emily and force her to be in his house band."

Everyone processes what I say and Thor was the first one to speak up. "So you're saying that this man with magical powers threatened to take little Stark?" He says as I nod my head yes.

Suddenly we hear footsteps behind us and a voice saying, "Mr. Stark, I think I'm gonna head home, I'm not feeling too well..." a guy around my age says as he looks at me.

Anger starts to form in his eyes as he says, "you. What are you doing here?"

Everyone,'including me, becomes confused and I turn to make sure he was talking to me.

"You're talking to me?" I ask as I point a finger to my chest.

"Peter, what are you-" Tony says as, who I now know is Peter, says, "just stay the hell away from me, alright?" He says as I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Look I don't know who you are, and quite frankly I don't care."

He storms out of the room as I watch him leave. What a douche.

"What just happened?"  Steve says as we all turn to look at him. "I don't know." I say.

"Well anyways..don't worry we'll make sure nobody harms my daughter. Just make sure you don't do or say anything to that man that can give away her location, alright." Tony says as we all agree.

"You boys shoulder head home, we'll take it from here. Thank you for letting us know." He says as Alex and Reggie start to leave.

I decide that maybe it's best I do the same, I'd rather meet up with Emily on better circumstances.

But I gotta say, this was an interesting experience.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

AN: hey guys! I hope you all liked this chapter and once again this chapter and the next one will be very short but the birthday party is around 7k+ words for part 1. I also decided that this book will go under HEAVY editing after it's done. It might even feel like a different story due to the fact that I have more ideas that would make this book so much better. You guys can feel free to re-read it anytime you want :)
I hope you all have a good night/day!
-El <3
[Edited: June 19th, 2021]

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