𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐭

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Maia's POV:

My alarm rang at 8am, waking me up so I could get ready for my girl's day. I get ready and put on some light makeup, some simple clothes, and head downstairs.

Everyone was starting to walk into the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

"Good morning, everyone." I say as they all greet me. I grab some water and talk to Nat about our girls day.

"So, where are we going first?" I ask as she tells me that we were first going to go get our outfits, then shoes, then go buy some new makeup.

Thor then walks in and greets everybody. "Hello, good day everyone. Ah, lady Stark, I've been meaning to speak with you!" He says as he goes to give me a bear hug.

"What's up?" I ask as he lets me go to grab a pop tart, he seriously eats way too many of those things.

"Last night I heard you singing a beautiful song and I was wondering if you could perform it tonight at the ball." He says as goes to grab some coffee as well.

"It's not a ball Thor, it's a party." My dad says as he hugs me and agrees with Thor. "I heard the song too and I think it would be a cute little song to play for the couples."

"Oh, yeah sure, but just outta curiosity, what song are you guys talking about?" I ask as I realize that I had sung two different songs last night and I was hoping they weren't talking about the duet with Luke since I couldn't find the video and it just wasn't the same without him.

"The one that you were singing in the studio." My dad says as Thor gives him a confused look. "No, I was talking about the song she was singing in her bedroom."


"Oh, Those songs! Well actually, the song that I was singing in the studio was actually a duet with Sam and we were planning on performing it at the party. The song in my room was just something short I had written a while ago."

"Well it was very beautiful Maia, I thought I also heard another voice singing with you, a boy." Thor says as now my dad was the one giving us a confused look.

"Well this should be good." Nat says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"A boy? You had a boy in your room?! Was it Peter?" Dad asks as he starts to get a bit upset.

"No, no, no, it wasn't Peter! I was just duetting a song that I had found online and mixed one of my old songs with it." His face soften a bit as he listens and lets me talk. "I didn't have anyone in my room, trust me."

"Ok, ok, I believe you." He says as he goes to sit down. We all follow him and begin to eat the breakfast that Wanda and Pepper had cooked for us.


The girls and I had gone to a couple of malls and outlets looking for outfits for tonight's party. Wanda had gotten a classic red dress that was long and had a slit where her leg goes.

Nat got a white dress and Pepper got a black dress, while I got a simple dark green dress.

We then went to buy some shoes and I bought some simple black heels, since I didn't want anything too crazy. We also went to go buy some new makeup which took the longest, surprisingly.

While getting our makeup, I got a text from Peter that made my heart drop.


Hey, just wanted to remind you that I'll pick you up at 5!

It's Peter btw

Shoot. I had completely forgotten about my date with Peter since I had been so focused on the party.

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