-Prologue (EN)-

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Today is Friday 26 February 2015. At midnight to be precise at 1:00. There was a rainstorm. At that time we were talking about the ghost rumors that have been talked about lately ....

1:00 am [Davin's house]Amir: (Voice phone) Okay, so you know what the rumors that are often talked about lately about

 the old school building, he said there were a lot of people who saw the apparition.

Davin: Can you repeat it? It's raining heavily here.Amir: (Voice phone) Let's investigate the old school building, which is often talked about lately.Davin: Today, tonight?Amir: (Telephone voice) Yes, because at night the atmosphere is more interesting. Is that our

 principle not as mystery seekers?

Davin: Okay, but wait for the rain to stop first. I'm rushing right now.Amir (Telephone Voice): Oh yea, Michael is also with us, later he will pick you upDavin: Fine.

1:30 [In front of Davin's house]Michael: Sorry if it took so long.Davin: Half an hour, from anywhereMichael: Sorry it took a long time, I was filling up gas for a while.Davin: hah it took so long. Where's Amir?Michael: Earlier he said he was at the station first.Davin: Oh I seeMichael: Hurry up!Davin: ...

2:00 [highway]Michael: Just my feeling or does this car have a sloping road?Davin: Why, is something broken?Michael: imma stop the car first, check for a moment, Wow, this is bad! , Bolts around the tire

 lost. how about this later the tires can come off at any time.

Davin: Is it that bad Michael?

Michael: It's worse than an expensive ring that goes into the drains.

Davin: Then what about it, in the morning, we'll be late.

Michael: Oh, sorry, if you want to go first, take a taxi.

Davin: But what about you later, there is no workshop that is still open at this hourMichael: Just take care of me about the car, you better go ahead. this may take a long time.Davin: Well I'll find a taxi.

2:10 [Highway]Davin: Ah, there is a taxi! Taxi, Taxi, Oi Taxi!Taxi driver  what's up kidDavin: Can you take me to the station?Driver: Bring money?Davin: YesDriver: I don't need money.Davin: huh, seriously?Driver: Which station?Davin: The fastest station anyway.Driver: Oh I see, here get on, here I have a train ticket for you for free.Davin: Is this serious?Driver: Seriously. But there is a condition, don't arrive past three in the morning,At your own risk.Davin: Alright.

2:40 [Station]Davin: Ha, it's already at this hour. It's too late.(While running towards the gate)Platform clerk: hey stop, can I see your ticket?Davin: Yes, please.Officer: It's strange how come your ticket is different, the serial number is not listed?Davin: Huh, I don't really understand.Officer: I have never seen this ticket, maybe an old model.Davin: But I bought a new one.Officer: the date is the same, but this is different.Davin: I don't really understand.Officer: Yes, can I check your luggage?Davin: Yes.Officer: Can I check your bag?Davin: Can I hurry up late, I have to walk at three o'clock.Officer: Wait a minute, okay pleaseDavin: Wow, it's already three past one, you still have time or not.3:03 [Train]Davin: huh, fortunately we still had time. I have entered the carriage but there is something strange.Usually the train will stop after 7-8 minutes, but the train doesn't stop after some time.Davin: It's strange, how come it didn't arrive even though it's been twenty minutes, you know.Imma Try moving to the front carriage.Mysterious Passenger: Hey, where did you get on?Davin: uh, from the city.Passenger: What did you get on before?Davin: Taxi.Passenger: Oh, where do you get tickets ?Davin: Um, Taxi driver.Passenger: I see, you crossed the three o'clock limit.Davin: How do you know?Passenger: Well, it's an old memory, so nostalgic.Davin: Huh?Passenger: by the way, this train never stops.this only stopped when it picked up a new victim.Davin: huh, so here, where am I, where are we going?Passenger: I don't know, wait until the train stops,Maybe in a year or two. That's if you wake upNot dreaming.Davin: Huh, what do you mean?Passenger: You're dreaming right now, right?

2:05 [Highway]Michael: Hey Davin wake up, our car seems to have a problem. hey Davin!Davin: Huh, didn't we just separate?Michael: What are you talking about, you're acting weird from the start. Come on, help me fix this car.Davin: But didn't you tell me to take a taxi first, didn't you?Michael: Ah yes, I was planning to say that if you want to go ahead it's fine, but why do you know that I want to talk like that?Davin: I don't know I feel Deja Vu.


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