Vampire AU

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BACK AGAIN WITH: i cram as much possible plot into a oneshit and never actually do any worldbuilding so everyone is just confused :]

tw: some gore, fighting, lots of blood, vomiting, yknow the usual with me


tw: gore

Tommy stumbled back, panting hard with wide eyes as he tried to stop the quivering in his knees. The sight of all that- that blood made him want to throw up, yet he couldn't stop looking, his throat going dry even when he gulped. He was shaking like a feather in the wind, but he somehow remained standing, watching, horrified, as the two figures duked it out before him.

They were like monsters, incisors so sharp and long they protruded from their upper lips, fangs glistening red. Their faces were dark, some sort of shadow that never seemed to leave them, although it wasn't enough to cover the crimson splattered all over their animalistic and infuriated faces. Their fingernails were so very pointy, and apparently very sturdy as well, because they sliced at each other's skin with such ferocity that blood arced in the air. Tommy's body hit the wall behind him, utterly trapped, his body useless as it remained frozen on the spot, continuing to watch their fight.

"YOU'RE DEAD, ERIC!" One with a large stake howled, the 'Eric' scoffing before lunging. The other promptly made as though to kick him, Eric dodging easily before trying to slice open his neck. He didn't get far, howling when the other grabbed his wrist much faster than should've been possible, wrenching him backwards, causing him to slam against the ground. He cursed, wriggling in his grasp, but the other merely slashed his face, echoing screams piercing the night as his lips parted so widely, wide enough to cause his lips to break and bleed. The other was unmoved by the sheer desperation in the plead, merely going at it again to render his eyes useless. The man screamed again, successfully managing to buck his opponent off after intense wriggling and kicking.

The other landed not too far, growling as he went to attack once more, the now blind man not able to dodge the next attack, gasping when his arm was nearly sliced in two. The lower half of his arm was dangling precariously, waving much more wildly than it should of been as he ran, his entire side simply oozing blood, forming large pools wherever he went.

Tommy's breath hitched when the man ran faster than he'd seen either of them move and run straight towards him-

Tommy might have shrieked, a pitiful whimper and begging when the man was suddenly upon him, apparently not needing his vision to catch him when he tried to squirm away. There was a tight grip on his arm that hurt too much, way too much. There was so much pressure and chill in the grasp Tommy whimpered on contact, already feeling bruises forming and he could have sworn blood circulation all but stopped. There weren't any thoughts going through his mind at the moment: All he knew was that there was a monster grabbing him and another not far behind.

Then the man yanked his arm forward, and a scream wrecked throughout Tommy's entire body, all his fear and panic almost blinding him to the pain when two impossibly sharp teeth tore into his forearm. He should've screamed more, should've kicked and hit and bucked about, but he didn't. Tommy went to shove the monster off him, anything to get the terrible pain in his arm to go away, but he was... Suddenly too weak to do so.

He felt his face fall almost instantly, knees buckling, sending his entire body slumping forward. An exhaustion had settled behind his eyes and consumed his body, vomit beginning to rise as he felt something get sucked out of him, so very quickly. He groaned, but whoever was gripping his arm didn't care, merely continued to leech off of him as it suddenly became too much to even keep his eyes open, instead letting them flutter closed and going completely limp, completely to the mercy of the-

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