Promised Neverland - Spoilers

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the promised neverland is a really good anime [probably my favorite] and i cannot stress enough how many spoilers for the show are going to be in this

my rec? its only twelve ep long, just go watch it, promise itll exceed your expectation <3


Tommy POV

Spoiler warning because I know some of you don't read the ans, just please go watch the anime, it's really good. These aren't just "Oh, hes going to spoil a scene or something," I mean spoilers for the entire show's big reveals throughout. Don't get spoiled and enjoy.

"I don't want to go," I groaned, barely reaching the tips of the grass blades below from where I hung upside down on a tree branch deep in the woods. I pouted while Tubbo chuckled above me in an attempt to both lighten the mood and cover up his own sadness while I continued to reach for the blades below me. The leaves from the trees cast dark shadows on us, light speckling through the canopy in wondrous patterns around us. Dad's news from today caused the mood to sour around us, and right after our seventh birthday too.

"I don't want you to either," Tubbo grumbled, leaning against the trunk whilst sitting on the same branch I was hanging off of. "I want you to just stay here with me, I don't care if you have a family that wants to adopt you." That caused me to pause my swinging as I glanced back up at my life-long brother.

We were the only two in the orphanage that have come on the same day, making us more like twins than brothers. Of course we weren't biologically related, anyone could see that. He had thin, chocolatey brown hair while I had a rough, thick blond, his eyes and wider and darker compared to my light blue ones, and was quite clearly going to be much shorter than me in the future. But we had always been together since our first day, the best friend I could ever ask for. I didn't need another family with him right here, and quite frankly, I didn't want one.

"I'm not going then!" I announced boldly, swinging myself up with one strong swing right back into a sitting position. "I don't want to go someplace without you, so I won't go." I grinned at Tubbo while he remained mildly stunned before his face saddened once more.

"But Dad won't let you stay," He whined, and I could sense a fit of sniffles coming. "It doesn't matter what we want. You're going to get taken away without me." My mouth formed a thin line while I hummed aloud, my adoption date just the day after tomorrow. Perhaps not time enough to make a good plan, but time to make a plan. An idea formulated to life in my mind, and I toyed with it for a moment on my tongue. I'd been called one of the duller ones at the orphanage for most my life, so it was probably a stupid one, but an idea nonetheless.

"Let's run away together Tubbo!" I exclaimed with a grin, Tubbo's eyes widening as I said so. "That way we can always stay together, and we don't have to worry about Dad sending me away!" Tubbo was understandably hesitant, fiddling with the hem of his white uniform sleeve as he thought. He scratched at his neck around his number, 37294, a nervous habit it seemed he'd always had.

"But we'll get in so much trouble Tommy," Tubbo argued half-heartedly, pulling his knees up to his chest to hug them. I giggled at that, knowing that trouble wasn't something that deterred Tubbo often. We'd always broken the rules as we saw fit, depending on whether or not they interfered with our fun.

"Come on, what's the worse that can happen!" I cheered persuasively, crawling over to Tubbo with a grin on my face. "It'll be like an adventure Tubbo, and actual adventure! I know you've always wanted to go on one." Tubbo smiled sheepishly, nodding.

"But only if you promise me you'll never, ever, ever get another best friend, okay?" He asked, holding out his pinkie finger expectantly, grin widening childishly on his face.

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