Superpower AU

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this is the first chapter for my next project, so hopefully yall like it

none of these are tommy x tubbo. the only ship in any of these will be dnf, and while i love skephalo, i doubt id put any in here. im personally getting tired of writing romance, so dont expect dnf in any of my writing unless its specifically a dnf fic


Tommy flicked his wrist, sending the small ball whizzing into Tubbo's waiting hands. Tubbo caught it, sending it whizzing right back. Tommy threw it a little faster, a bit harder to catch. It fell easily into Tubbo's waiting hands, and he sent it back even faster. Their game continued like it always did, the ball getting ever-faster until it came to the point where it was as fast as either of them could make it, the casual game quickly having turned into a competition. Still, they kept the whizzing going, catching it and sending it reeling back with as much strength as possible.

"You suck Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, bouncing off his bed in a fit of excitement, watching Tubbo pick the dropped ball back up with a fake pout. His human form broke apart, collapsing into a rather large pile of dirt, spilling onto the bed, floor, and generally making a huge mess.

"One day I really am going to pour water all over you," Tommy chuckled, making a playful face at the large pile of earth, falling from his stance to collapse onto his own bed with a satisfying thud. He quickly began searching through his unmade covers for the bottle of water he always kept handy with a crooked grin, holding it out threateningly over the small area between their beds, where parts of Tubbo were scattered. Immediately, the grains began regathering, reverting back into Tubbo's human form.

"Stop!" Tubbo whined childishly, the last pieces returning to patch up the gaping hole in his left cheek. "You know I hate getting all muddy." Tommy merely smirked, dipping the bottle dangerously, a drop spilling onto the cold, tile floor. Tubbo huffed, but his face eventually melted right back into a smile, ready to begin their game once more, this time to win. He let himself fall back apart just a little, but at least this time he wasn't all over the floor for Tommy to step in.

"Round four?" Tubbo asked, raising his brows in playful expectancy, knowing full well Tommy would say yes, despite their classes tomorrow morning. Neither of them particularly cared, either way. Tommy tended to sleep through them even without being sleep-deprived, so it made no real difference. Tommy opened his mouth to say yes, smile widening to match Tubbo's mischievous grin, but paused.

From the several small, military grade windows, Tommy could see the tall, thick gate separating the facility from the outside world. A facility for the lower class unnaturals, like Tommy and Tubbo, whose abilities weren't exactly powerful, and in most cases, remotely useful. Tubbo's ability was one example of a power with no real function, and was well aware of this fact: He could collapse his body into a giant pile of dirt. The scientists didn't spend too much time researching him.

Tommy's ability wasn't much more useful than Tubbo's, or even helpful in any way as far as the scientists were concerned, but had so far managed to let the pair get away with a lot of shit that they logically should have gotten caught for. The excess of unreturned pillows and blankets on Tubbo's bed was a good example of this, as well as the majority of crap in their junk pile, hidden away in their pillowcases. They called it 'infrared vision', and while Tommy had only a vague idea of what infrared was, he knew what his ability could do: See heat.

"Something's in the wall," Tommy muttered, equally fascinated and frightened as he edged himself off his bed and onto the floor, ignoring Tubbo's curious stares for now. He instead focused on the strange movement of red, seemingly moving through the walls of the barracks itself, pointing at it for Tubbo's sake as it made its way through the lower floors.

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