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i dont care if its cringe or not


"Tommy?" Tubbo's voice sang out from his broken voice box, the sound echoing in the deserted storage space poorly. The small, closet-like room was rather cramped, stuffed full with boxes of various broken animatronic parts and discontinued, outdated machinery haphazardly stacked around us. It was dark in here, it had been for a very long time. My body was rather weak after going so long without maintenance, so I couldn't really move on my own, instead having to resign with laying slumped awkwardly against the wall.

"Yeah?" The sound that came out from what served as my throat sounded nothing like how I sounded before, the cold mechanical excuse of a voice now normal to my tired ears. Tubbo's eyes glowed in the darkness, blinking methodically as he gazed across the cramped space once more, our surroundings not changing from the last time night fell. Luckily our roaming functions hadn't been turned off when we were scrapped, so we still had some measly form of freedom. Free to roam this cramped, locked closet.

"I hear someone," He whispered, the voice box turning his once natural, human voice into something resembling a scratched record. This caught my attention, moving all my still working joints to glance at the door, which included my neck, right arm, and most of my fingers. Tubbo was already standing by it, wiggling the handle with his dismantled hand, fingers practically degraded into a frame with frayed wires.

He stared at the door what I assumed longingly, his expression all but impossible to read through the robotic face he always wore. It was vaguely made to resemble a human, or would have, should half of it not be completely rotted away, exposing the metallic exoskeleton underneath. He was small compared to many others similar that I had seen, standing only at about a little less than my own height. His wings that were made to resemble those of a bee were now nothing but thin frames sticking out of his body in a freakish array. When we first got these bodies, he used to be able to buzz as well, but that feature was now all but lost. It was his favorite too.

My own body was less pleasant than his, having fallen into a state of disrepair much quicker. It was also from a differently themed restaurant, an animal one seemingly much older than Tubbo's if the fact that it was already fallen apart when I got it was any indication. We weren't too sure what it was meant to be, but it hardly mattered much anymore, seeing as how much of the outer shell had deteriorated so much that I was mostly reduced to a husk with wires and a rusty metal interior.

"They're getting closer," He said as excitedly as the voice box allowed, a beeping sound replacing his more human sounding tone when it became too much for the simplistic machine to handle. "And closer..." He continued staring at the door, giving the doorknob light jiggles every so often with his huskless hand. I guess I'd be lying if I said I wasn't staring at it just as intently.

They were close enough now for me to hear them as well, even with my less evolved hearing. There seemed to be two of them, talking amongst themselves at a regular volume, approaching us at what I believed to be a walking pace. I had mostly forgotten just how fast that was, though. They were definitely male with two different accents, the American one much deeper and monotonous that the British one. Adults. Not kids. Tubbo jiggled the knob again, somehow staring even more intently at the door, hungry to be let out, same as me.

"Holy shit Techno, look," The British one yelped, and I assumed he was shouting at the wiggling knob. "You don't think- There's fucking more of them?" They stopped just outside the door, Tubbo resuming from his pause in jiggling the knob, now shaking it slightly more violently. There was a crash from the other side, the small light that seeped through the door flailing about as if their flashlight had been dropped.

"Let's just get them in the morning," Techno grumbled back, nervousness seeping into the monotony from before. "I don't care if the masks help, they're fucking monsters." Tubbo stopped jiggling the knob, a whining sound whirring from him, loud enough for the two males to audibly curse once more. He tapped on the door gently, as though pleading for them to open it.

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