Chapter Nine

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Tori's Pov
The over thinking wasn't helping my case, and of course acting suspicious was just gonna make it worse. So I just did what I did best, I played dumb, and stupid and did my own things. Taking up new hobbies and with Seungho's new permission that I could go into the cities and shop at markets.

I took up my own hobby of sewing and making clothes. Wasn't always fun pricking my fingers but it kept me busy. My eyes followed the movements of the needle closely, tracing my hands over the black slick material, not sparing a glance at the half naked sweaty man laying on his side watching me closely. I could tell he had gotten freshly done with some type of activities.

"How come my wife never wants to rest in bed with me, she's always up and busy." I finally snapped my eyes towards him stopping my movements for a minute, taking just that small moment to clear my throat.

"Cause usually you are threatening people, and I'm already sleep when you arrive." I made the dumb excuses cause it was easier then saying I was with Nakyum.  I could hear his hums, before I continued making a new hanbok for my collection , but I was a little taken back feeling Seungho was now sitting next to me grabbing at my wrist.

I didn't fight back at first when he flipped my hand over to expose the beautiful ring. "You know, you are the only woman to back talk me, or be blunt maybe that's why I am attracted to you so. What does this symbolize Tori?" I looked at him before speaking.

"That we are married." I answered him gently like it was the most obvious thing my eyelashes fluttering every time I blinked.

"Mhm.. marriage means we both have a fair share, you already let me do what I want, but it seems I've been neglecting you, but first." I blinked in confusion, but a startled squeak left me feeling his hands cupping at my face pressing his heated lips onto my own for just a moment I forgot how much of a good kisser.

The firmness had me dropping the materials too for a soild moment to cup at his face bringing him closer to me, feeling push me down with one motion over the floor bed, I was startled by him hovering over me but his warm firm touch slide down my chubby thighs, squeezing at them making me gasp allowing him to dart the warm muscle into my mouth, hooking it with his own.  A very thin trail of salvia connected us, his hands sliding up the hanbok even more.

It took him a minute before he broke the kiss allowing me to breath. "I just wanna know what is your relationship to that painter hmm." He whispers his hands still gripping at my thighs.

"He has a name Seungho... His name is Nakyum." I muttered seeing Seungho looking down at me even more before he was undoing the hanbok.

"His name isn't gonna be the one leaving those lips of yours tonight." I blinked once and twice and it took me a hot minute to realize that his head was dipping down between my thighs getting a very shaky breath from me.

Like most things at Lord Seungho's estate every single servant, and person had to get a physical from the physician, I didn't really understand Seungho's strange obsession with sickness and stuff like that, but the fact that he made me get my own right after he had sex with me all night it was just awkward with a physician placing there hands all inside you and over you.

My face stayed scrunched up as I tried to hide it watching her pop up from between me. Seungho had his arms folded inbetween his sleeves watching her closely.

"Well? How is my wife's health?" He questioned to her in a hard tone. She carefully cleared her throat as she spoke to us both.

"Well my lord if I may speak, I've only been a physician for a few years, but I've read in lots of old medical books you know about the female body." She gestured with her hands gently I got distracted for the slightest moment hearing the birds chirping outside in the garden.

"Yes yes, get on with it what about the female body?" He grumbled a little staring at her more. "Lady Tori's umm her womb a little higher and so is her hip bones which is the usually indications of she clears her throat deeply as she bowed her head.

"Being with child and her body preparing for that child." I looked away from the window to snap my head back so quickly to the physician and I swear I could feel my heart drop as well, before I snapped my brown eyes to Seungho who then looked towards me at a very fast speed.

"With child? That's impossible me and Tori have only been intimate once that was last night..." His very hard tone trail off before he snapped out at everyone.

"Everyone out right now!" He yelled out harshly, I flicked my eyes down to look down at the floor, I was still in a little bit of shock but I did hear his footsteps nearing me before his hands roughly grabbed at my chin very forcefully making me look back up into his very pissed and heated eyes.

"You've been sleeping with that painter haven't you! Huh? So you can't keep your legs closed either huh Tori? Looks like you've been doing  it more then once cause you are carrying his child." A harsh scoff left him, and his grip tighten on my chin even more.

"I should just kill you and your unborn child shouldn't I? Or maybe better yet you have feelings for him don't you? the little sneaking around you both have been doing? Be lucky I actually like him that doesn't change much though."

All I could really think was I'm so screwed now.

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