Chapter Eleven

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Tori's Pov
The slight click of my tongue over and over against my cheek was all I could focus on. Let's see what I can reflect on all at once. First I got hit by a car back in the normal times. I don't know if I was dead or just in a really long ass coma, whatever brain damage had been inflected on my head had took me back too a time period of pure beauty and at the same time chaos in one mix.

I had a crazy husband who wasn't in his right mind when he was hurting others, very much obsessed with sex and having it seen on the walls for others, and then on the other hand I had someone who adore the ground I walked on. He was sweet beyond anything I knew, I made sure to take care of him, and stick up for him no matter the time of day, and what it was for.

Anyone in their right mind would know the best for mental health is Nakyum he's been very understanding of our situation in a way. Seungho use to just ramble a lot how I had two husbands and how we would pretend for now that mine and Nakyum's baby was his.

A small yawn left my lips a little watching Nakyum with a soft expression watching the black ink spread across the canvas his hands moved so fast like and still at the same time they were so elegant. He even sometimes could

"Which servant is this one again?" I questioned, my voice must have startled him a bit cause his free hand shot to his chest for a moment gasping.

"Oh you startled me little dove... It's that one servant uhh what's his name." Nakyum looked very lost for words as he thought, tapping at his temple a couple times looking so lost for words as well.

"The one with the very obnoxious moans and tried to be mean to you? I don't know his name either." The both of us shared the loudest snickers with one another Nakyum stared at me with those round eyes of his but he then poked my cheeks.

"It's missing something and I don't know what Tori- have I lost my touch?" Once more I drummed my fingers all over my chin a few times.

"Not really Nakyum, isn't there like only a few sex positions you can draw over and over. Plus you've gotten some good one, how about this." I looked at the canvas for what seemed like forever before I swiped some the black ink onto my thumb and made a small black like outline, "How about that sweetie?" He stared at for a moment before he leaned in giving me a really big kiss on my lips.

"Thank you so much."

Geez that ink stains so much, it hasn't come off my hands all day, washing my hands over and over roughly each time I grumbled loosely ignoring the turning all in my stomach fluttering my eyes deeply, I was heading out to the garden for a bit till this splitting pain was ripping across my entire head.

A small hiss left me roughly my palm shooting up to hold my temple a bit hoping it would just go away after a while. But every second was agony. After standing there for what seemed like forever I took myself to the infirmary the physicians were all rushing around and what not before they placed me down on one of the bed leaving me to place a ice pack on my head.

I so must be dying in the normal world, hurry up and die so I can die. I thought bitterly.

"My lady have your aches and pains come back?" I gently waved them off for a moment.

"Yeah just the headaches, I think I can handle them. Can they harm the child?" I questioned a little tilting my head a little.

"Your child should be perfectly fine, unless the headaches turn to more like body aches, pains, more sickness then usually that's when it's a problem." I nodded my head each time shifting the ice pack on my temple more.

"Thank you all your help has really been needed." They bowed their heads a few times at me going back to doing their work before I watched Seungho stormed into the room, for the first time in months I really wasn't ready and in the mood for his bullshit. I kept my eyes peered on him wondering what was gonna come out his lips today.

"I heard your headaches came back? Did you fall again and hit your hard ass head?"

"Well what do you think you dumbass-  if I would have fallen, I wouldn't have gotten back up."

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