Chapter Four

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Tori's Pov
I wasn't exactly sure how long me and Nakyum had been sitting here watching Seungho have sex with one of the servants.

It was sort of strange but I almost fell asleep, but I could fall asleep anywhere really. It was a hidden talent of mine.  My head was still trying to heal fully so I wasn't surprise that by all  the loud noise my head was hurting.

Nakyum for some reason just could not paint the scene at all and I couldn't blame him really. I guess it's a lot different when you are in the privacy of being alone then having to draw the actually moving scene.

I yawned quietly rubbing at my cheeks a little bit I watched Seungho tie his robe around him before he made his way over towards me and Nakyum.

"Hm.. I see you didn't draw anything." Nakyum tensed up a little before he looked up at him.

"My Lord I told you I don't do that anymore." He stammered out quietly a little. Seungho sighed wiping the sweat away from his face before he kneels down a little.

"You have some time Nakyum, I expect you to have at least one drawing, come on Tori let's go to bed." I shivered a little but I then looked at Nakyum softly.

"Actually Seungho... I'll join you later I would like to get to know our guest more." I answered a little. I think Nakyum was a little less tense with me.

Seungho then frowned but nodded kissing my forehead walking off. The both of us seemed to relax right away once he was out of the room.

I stood up first and helped Nakyum up flashing him a smile which he slowly returned holding my hands back.

Yet again I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but Nakyum was mumbling and grumbling to himself once we moved to another area with be few lanterns lit up.

"I promised myself I would never touch the paint again to draw erotic pictures." He told me staring at me fully a little with soft eyes. He honestly was so adorable looking, and I just wanted to coo at him so much.

I was tracing the large paper with interest never thinking that a day in my life I would actually be able to touch it or see it.

This is like the best quality of paper you can get in this era of littering is the softest feeling paper almost like silk.

They use it for letters, poems and anything involving writing.

"I understand Nakyum it's okay, you don't have to explain to me why it makes you feel uncomfortable." I flashed him another kind smile spinning around in the balls of my feet folding my arms over on my chest for a minute.

  I saw his eyes flashed concerned when he looked at my head, I don't think he had notice it at first since he was scared for his life.

"Tori... Are you injured what happened to your head?" He asked me urgently when I sat down across from him he grabbed at my hands, his own shaking quite deeply and fast.

"Oh this? I had an accident, and I'm still recovering. " I answered holding his hands back a little more giving his hands a deep squeeze.

"Was it the Lord Seungho?" He asked me confused but also fearful at the same time. I shook my head no.

"If he did I would kick him in his balls." I grumbled flashing a soft smile.

"I just sort of fell and hit my head, and I'm experiencing some memory lost, which is why Seungho keeps calling me crazy but he won't let me do anything on my own." I huffed a little.

"But I'm glad another normal person is around, let's be friends Nakyum." I told him happily. He stared at me even more surprised before he blushed with a smile nodding his head.

"I would love that." He whispered smiling at me more. After some time my head was hurting more I laid down on the floor watching Nakyum get up grabbing a brush with some of the black paint muttering to himself.

I watched as he started doing large strokes on the large paper looking in horror. I watched slightly amazed at the slight details he managed to do.

I fluttered my eyes sleepy, seeing him then just scoff growling ripping at the paper fast rubbing at his eyes roughly. He dropped the black ink getting it all over his hands before I saw him lay down beside me curling up next to him.

He placed his arm around me before he moved closer. I was too exhausted from today, and before I even knew it both of us had fallen asleep right there on the floor.

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