10⋅Asleep or dead

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[3rd person POV]

Somewhere down Zone Three...

Sour sighed as running a hand through his hair and narrowing his eyes while looking down the desert, crouching down. He felt so worried. Not just about Candy having disappeared, but also about themselves, even more considering how lost War seemed without having Candy around. Fuck, they didn't even know whether Candy was alive or not.

The two had came back to their base to see most of the place destroyed, what was a great shock itself, but seeing a few ghosted Dracs lying around helped them understanding what had happened. Not finding Candy anywhere already got them desperate, but it was reasonable. Maybe he ran away to hide as soon as he saw the Dracs arriving? So, they waited. Waited. And waited. Sour was almost falling asleep when startled awake by War sighing sharply and standing up.

"We're looking for him," War had said, grabbing whatever he presumed they would be needing before dragging Sour along with him.

Their panic only grew after finding Candy's bike, stained with dried blood. Their hopes almost died right then, but they knew they had to keep going, to keep strong. They were not giving up on finding their gangmate, their friend, their brother – even if not biologically.

"Man," Sour said, cracking open a can of soda, "we should look further down, yanno? Like," he paused to take large gulp of the still cold drink they'd bought in the last stop. "If I was gonna hide, I'd go down to Four or further because there are lower chances of a Drac showing up. He must've thought the same." He brought the can to his lips once again, glancing up at the taller male.

War had fallen quiet since they found the bike by the Getaway Mile and the gun behind their base. It wasn't like Sour wasn't just as affected, but War demonstrated it more and burst out crying more times.

"I guess," War replied simply, a sigh escaping his lips. He inhaled, about to say something, but it never came. To be honest, Sour could almost hear the unsaid words – do you think we're really going to find him? War knew. None said anything.

Seeking for Candy was a full-time job they had been committed to for the past weeks, something that had been becoming a bit stressing. No one had seen Candy or ever heard of him. Besides, the level of difficulty was increased because of how they couldn't go around asking for Candy or exposing themselves too much because they were still under BL/Ind's aim. War didn't really seem to mind it, keeping his goal in mind, but all of that was starting to annoy Sour. He just wished things were fine. That they hadn't left their base that day or maybe dragged Candy along with them anyways.

Sour brought himself up with a sigh, tapping the sand away from his pants and throwing the empty can into his bag to throw it away in the next stop.

"Let's go," Sour muttered on his way to his bike. That melancholic vibe was killing him already.

And there they went, starting their long way until Zone Six, with uncountable stops to look for any clue of where Candy would be. Mainly shops, sometimes a gas station, a green diner with missing letters, a motel and, their last destination, Hyper Thrust.

The suggestion of looking for Candy in Hyper Thrust came up and both easily agreed because the place would be a great one to help them with distracting themselves. The two knew that, none said anything. Many things were better unsaid between them; it wasn't any new that they could easily get in a useless bickering depending on the interpretations due to all the stress they were under, in a way they started noticing how the balance between them was practically nonexistent without Candy there. Fuck, Candy was their main leader.

They were thankful the sun had already set itself about an hour before since they certainly were not up to going around under that fucking ball of fire that seemed to want to kill them each time they stepped under the sunlight.

War walked ahead, exuding tension, but Sour was tired of telling him to calm down and reassuring him things would be alright.

"Fucking Witch," War muttered under his breath, earning himself a confused look from Sour. He nodded towards the couple making out pressed against the wall by the front door. "Fucking gross. 'Could at least have some decency of going somewhere more private," he said, cursing under his breath. Sour wrinkled his nose in some sort of disapproval, nodding in agreement and glaring at the red haired when walking by.

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