Prep for the Birthday

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Sprints POV-

Well that was awkward.

"Here lets go get you three some clothes." I said to the newbies.

"Oh no need we can buy them with our dad." Ali said smiling.

"Wait you still got your folks?" Feisty asked confused

"Well only our dad. Our mom went crazy three years ago."Ruth said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Crutchie said.

"It's okay." she said smiling weakly.

"Wait so why do you wanna be a Newsie of Ya got a parent?" Mush asked.

"Well our dad busted his leg in a factory accident so we're supporting ourselves until he goes back to work." Ali said shyly.

"Oh okay."

"Well Ya gotta have nicknames. So let's bring Ya downstairs and have the guys decide." Jack said.

"Okay." Ali gulped.

"Hey don't worry. We don't bite." Crutchie smiled.

We all got up and walked down the fire escape and I helped Crutchie down.

"Ya don't have ta help me, Sprint." he said.

"I know. But I don't know want you to get hurt." I said smiling, and he returned the gesture.

-in The lounge-

"Hey guys listen up!" Jack said as he got up on a box.

"We got some new family. This is Ruth, Ali, and Joe." he said pointing to them as Ruth waved.

"They need nicknames, got any ideas?"

"Geez, Jack. We runnin outta names." Inks said from across the room.

"I know I know." he laughed.

"What about Mutt for da boy." Specs said.

"Hmmm. I like it what do Ya guys think?." Jack said

"Yea it's good." Skittery said.

"Okay what about tha goils."

"Hmm I don't think Ali need no nickname." Inks said.

"Ya it fits her." Race piped up.

"Okay. Now for da oldest."

"What about Frank?" Feisty said bitterly. Oooh!! I think someone's jealous!!!!

"I like it. Lets make it a little prettier to match her. What about Frankie?" Mush said putting his arm around Ruth, smirking at his victory when he saw Feisty glaring at them. Smooth Mush, Smooth.

"I like it." Ruth said.

"Frankie it is then." Jack said.

-Next morning-

"Goils wake up! We got something Ya show Ya!" We heard Inks yell

"But it's Sunday!!! Why can't we sleep?" Feisty groaned.

"Cuz if Ya don't were gonna come in and get Ya in 5, 4," Mush started counting down. Oh god.

"Quick! Get tie yourselves to the beds!" Pint squealed.


"What? No! Why would we-"


"Oh god." I said under my breath.


The door flew open soon filling with Newsies. I was struggling to get free of Skittery's grip as he ran with me out into the bathing room. I was laughing so hard I couldn't scream. As I looked behind us I saw Mush was carrying Feisty over his shoulder and Jack holding a very squirmy Pint.

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