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 Sam, Eileen and Dean are on their way to drop Eileen off at her Grandparents house. 

Sam insists that he spends the night with her, since her Grandparents love both him and Dean, but she refused. After they dropped her off, Sam didn't lie about the pie. He knew that if he did, Dean probably wouldn't talk to him for the rest of the night. As funny as it sounds, its the truth. Dean loves his pie. And his baby. And his... Other baby. 

They arrive at a 'Blue Bonnet Cafe'. They both get out of the car, Dean already heading for the door, when Sam stops him. "Hey, Dean? Are you okay?" Dean stops. He turns to Sam, with his resting "bitch face", and then smiles. "Sammy, I'm fine. If I wasn't, I don't think I would be as happy as I am right now."

"Dean, you do realize were at a pie place? Your always happy when we come here."

Dean's smile fades. "Dean?" Sam says as he watches Dean's emotion change. Dean wipes his face and clears his throat. "Let's go already." And with that, Dean and Sam were inside the cafe, enjoying their sweet desserts.


Sam and Dean just got home. Sam is in his room, and Dean is in the kitchen. Dean thinks Sam is asleep, So he decides to pull out a book. A book on pulling dead angels and demons out of the Empty. 

Sam walks into the kitchen.

"Dean? What are you doing up?" Sam says, raising his eyebrow. "I could ask you the same thing," Dean replies. "I couldn't sleep so I came here to get a snack," Sam goes over and pulls out a yogurt cup. "What about you? And whats that book?" Dean shuts the book and gets up. He walks over to the fridge and pulls out a beer. "You want one?" Sam shakes his head. "Alright." Dean opens his beer and sits back down. "Dean, I asked you a question. Why are you awake?" Dean looks down. "I.. I miss him.." Dean says. He can already feel the tears about to come running down his face. Sam knows what Dean means by, "Him". "Me too. I miss him too." Dean looks up, only to be scared by a figure standing behind Sam. "What?" Sam turns to see the figure too.



Well hello there :) You've made it to the end of this chapter. Here is something I can and will make happen: DEAN WILL GET HIS CASS

CW needs to see their mistakes and I will be honored to do so. :)

Anyway, That's all for now.

XOXO, Dean and Cass's Daughter ;)

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