The Avatar and Destiny Return(Part 2)

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Katara:[Sokka is seen in the background, carrying a pack as she speaks on a determined tone.] We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Aang and Zumi saved our tribe, now we have to save them.

Sokka:Katara, I --

Katara:[Making arm gestures to emphasize her words while she speaks in an objective tone.] Why can't you realize that they're on our side? [Cuts to shot of her and her brother, her back to the screen.] If we don't help them, no one will. I know you don't like Aang and Zumi, but we owe them and --

Sokka:[Cutting her off.] Katara! [Slightly annoyed.] Are you gonna talk all day, or are you comin' with me?

Sokka gestures to a canoe floating in the water. Katara immediately grins and gasps in happiness.

Katara:[Running over to her brother.] Sokka! [She gives him a hug.]

Sokka:[Inviting.] Get in

Kanna/Gran Gran:[Accusingly.] What do you two think you're doing?

The two siblings turn around, look at her and try to act as innocently as possible; Sokka grins broadly.

Kanna:[Smiling warmly.] You'll need these. [Kanna holds up their sleeping bags.] You have a long journey ahead of you. [The siblings glance at each other in surprise. Kanna walks over to face Katara.] It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little waterbender. [Hugs Katara and who at the end takes the sleeping back out of her hands; to Sokka.] And you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sister.

Sokka:[Kanna hugs Sokka, who, slightly embarrassed, pats her back.] Yeah, okay Gran. [He smiles broadly when she releases him.]

Kanna:Aang is the Avatar and Zumi is the Destiny.They're the world's only chance. You both found them for a reason. Now your destinies are intertwined with theirs.

The two siblings look at each other uneasily.

Katara:[Pointing at the ready canoe.] There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe.

The camera pans up to reveal Appa appearing over an icy hill on the horizon. He makes his presence known by growling.

Katara:[Brightly.] Appa! [Begins running toward the bison.]

Sokka:[Annoyed.] You just looove taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?The scene changes, showing a side-view of Zuko's ship as it makes its way through the icy waters. Aang, Zumi, Zuko, Iroh and some of Zuko's men are standing on deck. Aang's and Zumi's hands are bound behind their backs while Zuko holds Aang's and Zumi's staff.

Zuko: These staff's will make an excellent gift for my father. [Inspects the staffs further.] I suppose y'all wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks. [To his soldiers.] Take the Avatar an Destiny to the prison hold, [Handing the staffs to Iroh.] and take these to my quarters.

Iroh takes the staffs and looks at them for a moment while Zuko walks away.

Uncle Iroh:[Turns to one of Zuko's men and gives him the staffs; casually.] Hey, you mind taking these to his quarters for me?

The firebender accepts the staffs and Iroh walks away. Aang and Zumi are pushed forward by two of the soldiers and they grunt as they roughly shove them ahead. A side-view shows how Aang and Zumi are being taken below while Iroh and the firebender carrying Aang's and Zumi's staffs are walking toward a door leading to the upper decks. A close-up of Aang and Zumi as their group begins descending a staircase leading to compartment beneath the deck. Cut to a shot from Aang's and Zumi's point of view as they descends the staircase, the outside world disappearing from view. They try to keep an eye on their staff for as long as possible.

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