The village

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Katara:Aang! Zumi! Wake up. [Aang and zumi shoot up, throwing the covers of their bodies and gasping for air. Katara perches beside them and stands up as she sees that Aang  and zumi are awake.] It's okay, we're in the village now! Come on, get ready. [She points to the door of the tent.] Everyone's waiting to meet y'all.

Aang and Zumi dragged out the tent toward a small congregation of villagers. They passes Sokka, who is sitting at the side of the tent, sharpening his boomerang.

Katara:Aang,Zumi this is the entire village. [Points to the line of villagers in front of them.] Entire village, Aang,Zumi.

Aang and Zumi bow respectfully toward the villages, but they cower away in fear, bringing a surprised look to Katara, Zumi and Aang's faces. Sokka just watches from a distance.

Zumi:[Uncomfortably.] Uh, why are they all looking at us like that?

Aang: Did Appa sneeze on us?

Aang and Zumi check their clothing while an elderly woman steps forward out of the line of villagers.

ok so GG is Gran Gran/kanna ok

GG:Well, no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct, until my granddaughter and grandson found you two
Aang and Zumi:[shocked] Extinct?

Katara:Aang,Zumi this is my grandmother

GG:Call me gran gran.

Credits to:Joo Dee from youtube :)

Sokka walks toward Aang and Zumi and abruptly snatches Aang's staff out of his hands and starts to examine it.

Sokka:What is this, a weapon? You can't stab anything with this!

Aang:[Aang uses a small air current to get his staff back.] It's not for stabbing! It's for airbending. [He opens his staff into a glider, making Sokka gasp in fright and cover his head with his hands.]

Village girl:Excited.] Magic trick! Do it again!

Zumi: Not magic, airbending. [She moves her glider around her, visually demonstrating what she is talking about.] It lets us control the air currents around our glider and fly.

Sokka:[Mockingly states his disbelief.] Ya know, last time I checked, humans can't fly!

Aang and Zumi:Check again!

They grab hold of their gliders and push themselves off the ground, leaving Katara and Sokka to cover their faces against the sudden wind. The village stares in awe as Aang and Zumi make some loops and turns in the sky.

Village girl:[In admiration.] He's flying!

Zumi lands while Aang makes another loops and speeds up to soar past the gazing villagers.

Zumi:[mumbles while she smiles]Show off.

Village girl:It's amazing!

Aang's shadow passes over Katara, who is smiling broadly at him. Aang, intending to further impress the villagers, flies sideways and closes his eyes while grinning broadly. He promptly flies head-on into the village's watchtower, causing his head to be stuck in its side. Katara and Zumi cover their mouths as they watch Aang struggle to extricate his head from the icy watchtower. Succeeding, he tumbles downward onto a pile of snow at the base of the tower that crumbled from the building. Katara and Zumi immediately rush to his side while Sokka stares in shock at the damage inflicted on his watchtower.


Aang lies covered in snow at the base of the partially collapsed tower.Zumi, Katara and some other girls of the tribe run toward Aang, smiling.

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