The Southern Air Temple

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Aang:[Excitedly.] Wait 'til you see it, guys!

Zumi: The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!

Katara:[Cautiously.] Aang,Zumi, I know you're excited, [She turns around to face them.] but it's been a hundred years since y'all been home.

Aang:[Smiling broadly.] That's why we're so excited!

Katara:[Cautiously.] It's just that ... a lot can change in all that time.

Aang:[Happily.] I know, but I need to see it for myself.[Zumi nods]

Aang jumps off Appa, landing softly due to his airbending. Aang walks over to a snoring Sokka, who is lying in his sleeping bag. The shot changes to a view from next to Sokka's head, looking up at the approaching airbender.

Aang:[Cheerfully.] Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple, here we come! [Sokka awakens, making groggy noises.]

Sokka:[Grunting sleepily.] Uggh! Sleep now. Temple later.

Sokka turns around, showing his back to Aang and falls back asleep, snoring as soon as his eyes close. Close-up of Aang, whose big eyes blink in surprise. He looks discontent with Sokka's attitude, but he quickly smiles mischievously. Aang grabs a small, thin stick.

Aang:[Alarmed.] Sokka! Wake up! [Aang moves the stick up and down the sleeping bag, only touching Sokka with the tip of it.] There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!

Sokka:[He lazily opens one eye before yelling out in horror.] Ahh! [He quickly rises and hops around, still inside the sleeping bag.] Get it off! Get it off! [After two hops, Sokka slams flat to the ground.] Ahh!

Zumi and Katara giggle, as Sokka falls over. Close-up of Sokka's angry face.

Aang:[Happily.] Great! You're awake! Let's go![skipping zuko scenes]

~~~~~~~~~~On appa~~~~~~~~~

The scene cuts to Appa, who is flying above the clouds in the Patola Mountain range. A closer shot reveals Aang, Zumi , and Katara sitting atop Appa's head, and Sokka is back in the saddle. Switch to a close-up of him clutching his stomach at it growls. Close-up of his face, with a look of dismay all over it.

Sokka:[Annoyed.] Hey, stomach? Be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food.

Sokka starts to go through the luggage and gets out a bag. He looks at it for a moment while it sways in the wind. With his tongue out of his mouth full anticipation, he sticks his hand in the bag and starts to go through it. He looks surprised for a moment, but quickly and with anticipation turns the bag upside down to pour the contents into his hand. Close-up of his gloved hand as only a few crumbs of blubbered seal jerky fall into it.

Sokka:[Accusingly to the three in front of him.] Hey! Who ate all of my blubbered seal jerky?!

Zumi: Hey don't look at me,i didn't eat all your..[trying to remember the name] whatever you just said.

Aang:[Surprised.] Oh. That was food? [Happily.] I used it to start the campfire last night. [The hint of a smile can be heard.] Sorry.

Sokka:[Shocked.] You what?! [Looks up before slanting his eyes and groans. Longing.] No wonder the flames smelled so good.

Cut to a wider shot, as Appa races past and ascends up to some mountains.

Zumi:[Excitedly.] The Patola Mountain range! We're almost there!

Katara:[Uneasily.] Aang, Zumi, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders.

Aang:[Cheerfully.] What about 'em?

Katara:[Close-up of Katara.] Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. [Sadly.] They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people.

Zumi:[Ponders over her words for a bit. Hopefully.] Just because no one has seen an airbender, doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped!

Katara:[Places one hand on Zumi's shoulder.] I know it's hard to accept.

Aang:[Cheerfully, as Katara moves her hand back to her side.] You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison! [Caresses Appa's head.] Right, Appa?

Appa grunts. The camera moves back to show that Appa flies past to begin a last ascent up the side of a mountain.

Aang: Yip yip!

An overview shot follows Appa's flight up the mountain and through the clouds. Appa turns out of sight behind the flank of a mountain. The camera view shifts and Appa is seen emerging from behind that flank and turns further upward. Close-up of his passengers. Aang and Zumi hold onto the reins tightly as Appa rapidly ascends while Katara, whose eyes are closed,and Sokka hold on tight to Appa's fur and saddle respectively. Aang looks back for a moment to his passengers. The camera switches to a further off view of Appa as he flies over the rocks and into the sky again. He flies over a last ridge that is covered with trees. The camera pans up to reveal a large temple as Appa floats toward it.

Aang:[Voice-over.] There it is. The Southern Air Temple.

Katara:Aang,Zumi, it's amazing!

Aang and Zumi are visibly excited as a close-up shows how their eyes widen upon the sight of the temple.

Aang[To Appa.] We're home, buddy!

Zumi: We're home!

The scene fades to a shot of the Southern Air Temple, as the camera slowly moves closer toward it. Cut to Appa, who has landed at the base of snow covered stairs. The camera quickly pans up to reveal four small figures making their way up the mountain trail. The lead figure is running while the one behind him is on an air scooter. Close-up of Aang as he runs at the front, excitedly looking back at the two siblings. As the two emerge from behind a corner, Aang runs off the screen while Zumi zooms off the screen on her air scooter.

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