The Avatar and Destiny Return

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(A/N- Hello lovelies,i need answers. what ships do you want me to do(cant be the original ships)For example:Zutara,tokka,Zuko x new character,tophxTOPH or tophx new character.Please answer this question.we may continue the story)

Village kids:[Joyfully.] Yay! Aang and Zumi back!

Some of them run over to them while the others remain cheerful in the crowd. The camera pans up from the children to the adults, revealing more stern and offended expressions. The children reach Aang, Zumi and Katara, crowding around them gleefully, and Aang and Zumi respond kindly. Switch to a shot of Sokka, who breaks from the line of villagers and steps forward toward Aang and Zumi.

Sokka:[Angrily.] I knew it! [Accusingly points a finger at Aang and Zumi as they draw closer.] Y'all signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! Y'all are leading them straight to us, aren't you two?

Katara:[Protesting.] They didn't do anything! It was an accident.

Aang:[Sheepishly, as Katara glares at Sokka.] Yeah. We were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and, well -- 

Zumi: we booby-ed right into it.(adds to aangs unfinished sentence)

GG:[Worriedly.] Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship! Now we could all be in danger!

Zumi:[Sorrowfully.] Don't blame Katara. We brought her there. It's our fault.

Sokka:[Angry and triumphant, having found an excuse.] Aha! The traitors confess! Warriors, away from the enemies. [The children begin to sadly walk away.] The air benders are banished from our village.

Katara:[Irritably, clenching her fists.] Sokka, you're making a mistake.

Sokka:[Stubbornly persisting in his anger.] No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad. [Pointing to Aang and Zumi.] I'm protecting you, from threats like them!

Katara:[Angrily.] Aang and Zumi are not our enemy! [Continues in a calm, soothing voice.] Don't you see?They brought us something we haven't had in a long time: fun.

(A/N fun fact my friend always blames the fault on my cat and i say she had brought me something i have not have in a long time: FUN!Ok lets just continue)

Sokka:[Annoyed.] Fun?! We can't fight firebenders with fun!

Aang:[Optimistically.] You should try it sometime.

Sokka:[Angrily.] Get out of our village! Now!

Katara:[Pleading.] Grandmother, please. Don't let Sokka do this!

GG:[Gravely.] Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the air benders leave.

Katara:[Outraged.] Fine! Then I'm banished, too! [Drags Aang and Zumi away.] Come on guys, let's go.

Sokka:[Demanding.] Where do you think you're going?

Katara:[Angrily.] To find a waterbender. Aang and Zumi are taking me to the North Pole.

Zumi:[Confusedly.] We are? [Brightening.] Great!

Sokka:Katara! Would you really choose them over your tribe? [Shows shot of the entire Southern Water Tribe.] Your own family?

Aang:Katara.We dont want to come between you and your family.

Katara:[Upset.] So, both of you are leaving the South Pole? [In a quieter tone.] This is goodbye?

Zumi:thanks for penguin sledding with us.

Katara:Where will you go?

Aang:Guess we will go back home and look for the airbenders. [He places one hand on Appa, but is suddenly struck with realization.]
Zumi:Wow, we haven't cleaned our room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that. [they use airbending to hop onto Appa's head.] It was nice meeting everyone.

Sokka:[Sarcastically, with arms crossed.] Let's see your bison fly now, air boy.

Aang: Cmon appa!You can do it! yip yip!

Aang flicks the reins, but Appa merely rises and growls.

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