Penguin Sledding and Abandoned Ship

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The siblings glance at each other, not sure what they need to think of Aang's reaction.

The scene fades away to show the otter-penguin habitat, where hundreds of otter-penguins are walking or sliding down icebergs. Katara approaches the penguins in search for Aang and Zumi.


Aang:[Chasing the penguins while laughing.] Hey, come on little guy. Wanna go sledding? [He jumps at a penguin, but the animal evades his attempt and Aang belly flops into the snow. He turns on his back and quickly erects himself with his airbending as Katara and Zumi come up beside him.] Heh heh. I have a way with animals.

Aang stretches his arms wide and imitates the sound and movements of the animals around them, making Zumi and Katara laugh.

Katara:[Amused.] Hehehe, Aang,Zumi, I'll help y'all catch a penguin if y'all teach me waterbending.

Zumi:[Having grabbed the tail of a penguin, she holds on as it pulls her through the snow for a short way before letting go and looking up at Katara.] You got a deal! Just one little problem ... [she airbends herself into a sitting position.] We are airbenders, not waterbenders. Isn't there someone in your tribe who can teach you?

Katara:[Sadly.] No. You're looking at the only waterbender in the whole South Pole.

Aang:This isn't right. A waterbender needs to master water. [He thinks for a moment.] What about the North Pole? There's another Water Tribe up there, right? Maybe they have waterbenders who could teach you.

Katara: Maybe, but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in a long time. It's not exactly "turn right at the second glacier". It's on the other side of the world.

Zumi: But you forget, We have a flying bison. Appa, Aang and I can personally fly you to the North Pole. Katara, we're going to find you a master!

Katara:[Unsure.] That's ... I mean, I don't know. I've never left home before.

Aang: Well, you think about it, but in the meantime, can you teach us how catch one of these penguins? 

Katara:[Mockingly imitating a teacher.] Okay, listen closely my young pupils. [Inclines her head toward Aang and Zumi.] Catching penguins is an ancient and sacred art. [She conjures fish out of her sleeve.] Observe!

She tosses Aang and zumi the fish. As they catch it with an uncomprehending look on their faces, the penguins immediately begin crowding them. They laugh as the penguins swarm over them, pulling them down amidst their ranks.

Aang and Zumi:Hi hi hi! Ha, ha, ha!

~~~Time Skip after they finish sledding~~~

Aang and Zumi:[In awe.] Whoa! What is that?

Katara:[On a slightly dark tone.] A Fire Navy ship. And a very bad memory for my people. [Aang and Zumi begin to approach the wreckage.] Aang,Zumi, stop! We're not allowed to go near it! The ship could be booby-trapped!

Aang: If you want to be a bender.

Zumi: you have to let go of fear.

Katara ponders over that remark for a moment and walks toward Aang and Zumi with a scared look upon her face. The three venture closer toward the ship. Aang and Zumi help Katara to climb some of the blocks of ice that lay beside the ship and they crawl through a hole in the hull of the ship. The three walk through the silent rooms of the shipwreck. Some white hamsters roam the otherwise deserted ship. Aang and Zumi enter a room stocked with weapons in various places.

Katara:[Her voice echoes through the room.] This ship has haunted my tribe since Gran-Gran was a little girl. [The camera shifts through the room, revealing all the weapons more closely.] It was part of the Fire Nation's first attacks.

Aang:Okay, back up. We have friends all over the world, even in the Fire Nation. [Aang picks up a Guan Dao to inspect it.] We've never seen any war.

Katara: Guys, how long were you in that iceberg?

Zumi: I don't know

Aang: A few days, maybe?

Katara: I think it was more like a hundred years!

Zumi:[In full disbelief and slightly accusing.] What?! That's impossible! Do we look like a hundred-twelve-year-old's  to you?

Katara: Think about it. The War is a century old. You don't know about it because, somehow, you were in there the whole time! [Aang's expression changes to one of comprehension.] It's the only explanation.

Aang backs away and slumps to floor in shock

Aang:A hundred years! [Saddened by his new discovery.] I can't believe it.

Zumi:[Squats beside him.]Maybe somehow there's a bright side to all this ...

Aang:[cheerfully]At least I still have you

Zumi:[Smiling warmly at him while offering her hand.] Come on, let's get out of here.

Katara smiles as Zumi pulls him to his feet and the three exit the room.

Katara:Aang,Zumi, let's head back, this place is creepy.

Aang ventures down yet another room with Katara and Zumi on his trail. There, he trips over a thin rope; as he stumbles, metal bars slide downward over the entrance, barring it and trapping them inside.

Aang:What's that you said about booby traps?

The gears and engines of the shipwreck suddenly power up, beginning to function. In shock, Katara ,Zumi and Aang follow the movements of the machines until suddenly, a flare is fired and explodes high in the sky.

Aang:Uh oh ... [Aang notices a hole in the roof of the ship and takes a surprised Katara and Zumi into his arms.] Hold on tight!(IK Zumi can air bend but just roll with it)


Aang enhances the power of his jump with his airbending to jump several feet into the air through the hole.

The scene switches to Prince Zuko, who is peering through a telescope. He follows every movement the trio makes as Aang, still holding Katara and Zumi, jumps down the side of the ship.

Zuko:The last airbenders! [Aang, Zumi and Katara reach the ground again and Aang sets Katara and Zumi down. They start to walk away.] Quite agile for their old age. [He turns and angrily yells to a soldier behind him.] Wake my uncle! Tell him I found the Avatar and Destiny. [Zuko peeks through his telescope again to see that Zumi, Katara and Aang are running now. Zuko follows the direction they are running in with his telescope and discovers that they must be headed for the village he spots.] As well as their hiding place ...

~~~The End~~~

Soo, What y'all think ?

I am going to add more characters.Please suggest names.

Im leaving you with THIS GUY! Bye!

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