Chapter 16

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Singto was shocked to see Ben there. He looked at him and tried to smile.
"Uncle Ben, what are you doing here?"

Ben smiled at him and said,"I heard about you and Krist having a party so I came over. Sorry I didn't want to intrude but I wanted to see your new home."

Singto smiled and hugged him. "You will be always welcome, uncle. You are the only family left."

Ben hugged him and patted his back. He looked at Knot and said,"I will answer your questions. What do you want to know?"

Singto got nervous. He whispered to him,"Uncle, please don't.."

"No, I should. He doesn't trust you and the way he is reacting, is so rude. If Krist want's to marry you what's the problem? You two love each other." Ben said

"I just don't want him to marry someone so soon. He is like my younger brother and I am just worried for him." Knot said

"I know it's soon and it's worrisome but you can trust Singto. He loves Krist alot and I know that he would never hurt him." Ben said

"But can't they get married after a month or so? Why so soon?" Knot asked. Tew glared at him, asking to keep quiet but Knot ignored him.

Ben sighed. "It's been the family tradition to marry on your 25th birthday. His grandfather and father followed this tradition too. So why shouldn't Singto follow too? What's so wrong in that?"

Knot was about to argue again but Tew held him back. He looked at Knot and whispered,"Will you stop? Uncle Ben has already explained everything. What more do you want? Krist is very happy and excited to get married. Can't you be happy for him?"

Knot looked at Krist who looked upset. He sighed and nodded.
"Alright, I believe you. I won't doubt Singto again. But if he ever makes him cry or betrays him, I will take Krist away from him. Am I clear?"

Krist nodded and hugged him. "Thank you so much. This means so much to me."

"I will always be with you. Even after marriage, you can come to me whenever you need me. I just don't want you to regret this." Knot whispered.

"I won't ever. Trust me. Singto is not like that. You can trust him too." Krist said

Ben went to Singto and said,"I want to talk to you in private"

Singto nodded and led him to his study. They sat on the couch. Ben said,"I am very happy for you. Krist is really a great guy and I am sure that you will always be happy."

Singto smiled and said,"I know. I never thought I could live someone so much. He has really changed my life."

Ben smiled. "Well, I had prepared these papers for you before but now after meeting Krist, I don't think I should go ahead with this." He said, taking out some papers from his jacket.

Singto looked at him puzzled. He stretched hishand and took the papers. He was shocked to see that it was prenuptial contract.

"What is this?" He asked

"Well, I had prepared this long ago. J was worried that someone would try to take advantage of you. I didn't want anyone to destroy your hardwork and name. But after meeting Krist, I am sure that he will never do that. He truly loves you for yourself and not your money. I don't think you need this." Ben explained

Singto was more shocked reading the terms in the contract. It was written that if his husband leaves him within one year of marriage, then he would not get any alimony. Also if he tried to malign the name of Prachaya in any way, then he will have to face legal charges. He closed the contract and closed his eyes.

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