Chapter 4

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"You did what?" New almost shouted.

Next to him, Tay was laughing. He had never seen New yell at Singto. Looking at Singto who was looking down, avoiding New's eye's made him laugh more. New glared at Tay and he kept quiet. New glared at Singto and asked,"Explain to me once again. How the hell did you do that?"

Singto sighed and said,"I...I...don't know...It just slipped..."

"It just slipped? I could have understood if you would "slipped" my name, but Krist Perawat? Why him? Do you even know him?" New yelled

Singto looked at New and then looked outside. They were in his cabin but Krist was outside. He didn't want him to come question him. Also many employees were curious and were roaming around there. He didn't want any gossip or rumour to start around.

"New, please stop yelling. People are watching." Singto said slowly

"I don't care. Answer me now."

"Well, Uncle Ben called me last night and he asked for my lover's name. At that time, I was going through his presentation amd it just slipped. I didn't do it intentionally. I am sorry. Ok." Singto explained. He couldn't tell him that he was imagining Krist last night. He didn't want to tell anyone.

New sighed and was about to yell again when Tay stopped him.

"Cool down. He explained and it was just a mistake. We will work out something." Tay said.

New shook his head and said,"I was searching for a wannabe actor who would do all this for money. But involving someone who we don't know, I don't think it's a good idea."

"It's ok. I will investigate him. Find out everything about him. Then we can think about approaching him about this. He has just started working. I am sure he will agree for the money involved. Or offer him a better position somewhere else. I am sure he will agree." Tay said calming his lover.

New nodded and said,"Ok. Let's do that."

Singto looked at them and said,"Actually, there is one more thing."

"Now what?" New asked

"Well, he wants to meet my lover soon." Singto said

"I know that. But for the time being, your "lover" is out of country. So we do have time to coach him. Right?" New asked

"We have 3 weeks." Singto said quietly

New looked at him shocked. "3 weeks? What?"

"He called last night and said that he will be meeting my lover in 3 weeks. I couldn't refuse."

"Great. That means we have 2 week's to make him agree. I hope he accepts all this." Tay said

New looked at Singto and shook his head. He was not sure about this whole thing. He had wanted to arrange an actor who would pose as Singto's lover in front of his lawyer till all the businesses are transferred from Singto's grandfather's name to his name. Singto had worked hard to come this far. He didn't want anything or anyone to jeopardize it.

New sighed and said,"Ok. Tay, please find out everything about him ASAP. We don't have much time. Also, prepare the paper's with Krist Perawat name. Let's be prepared."

Tay nodded and stood up. He patted Singto's shoulder and said,"Don't worry. We'll think of something."

Singto nodded and said,"Thank you for helping me in this. I thought you hated me."

"Well, it's because you are always with my boufriend. I get jealous. I want New to myself." Tay said hugging New.

New stuck his head hard and Singto laughed. Tay tried to kiss New but he shook his head. Singto smiled looking at them. He sometimes felt jealous that they had found each other and he was still alone. It's not as if he never tried but he never found anyone who loved him for him. Not for his money and power. He had a girlfriend whom he loved alot. He had thought that she loved him too. But when his parent's had died, his dad's company had gone bankrupt. He was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that time, many people betrayed him but not New. When he had gone to his girlfriend, she left him too. He was about to finish his life feeling all alone but then his grandfather took control. He merged his father's company into his and saved everything. He taught him everything and he was always thankful to him. He never knew why he had made that will.

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