Chapter 26

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2 Year's Later

Krist walked confidently into his cabin. It had been 2 years since he started working for Knot. He liked working with his friend as it distracted him. He had decided to work instead of staying at home. After getting his first salary, he rented a small apartment. He didn't want to stay at Knot's place the whole time. He had started to feel uncomfortable in front of Tew. Knot had refused at first but had then given in. He thought that Singto would try to hurt Krist but that didn't happen. It had been year's since he had last seen Singto. Even in meeting's or conferences, Knot made sure that Krist doesn't meet Singto.

Krist was going through some papers when he came across Singto's name. He didn't know that they were going to attend a business conference together. He sighed. All this time, Singto hadn't messaged nor called him. There were times when Krist would walk towards his house without knowing. He would look at his house from a distance. Once he had walked towards Singto's office but didn't go inside. He read news articles about Singto but never approached him. He was afraid of his reaction. It still hurt when he recalled that day.

He missed Singto. Every day and every night. He felt hurt when he would see Singto's picture with anyone. He was still confused about his feelings. He was upset and angry at first but then as time went by, his anger too diminished. Now, he wanted to see Singto atleast once.

He opened his phone and looked at Singto's pic which he had.

"Don't you miss me? Why haven't you tried to see me or talk to me??" Krist whispered.

He sighed and put down his phone. He had wanted to call Singto but then couldn't. He didn't know how to.

Singto had drowned himself into his work. Now, he didn't do anything other than work. He had stopped going out. He met people but it was only for business. New and Tay had tried taking him out for lunch or trips but he always refused. He didn't want to. He didn't want to think of Krist. He had thought that Krist would come back to him but in these 2 year's, he hadn't even called him. He had decided to give up. He knew that Krist had started working with Knot and was staying in an apartment. He thought that Krist would calm down and come to him soon but it never happened. He couldn't sleep in his bedroom anymore. It had so many memories. He had locked that room and shifted near his study. Uncle Ben stayed with him and he liked his company. He had invited New to stay too but Tay had refused.

He had once seen Krist with his friends. They were out at a club. He had looked at Krist mesmerized. He wanted to walk over to him and hug him. He was about to walk when he froze. Knot had his arm around Krist. Holding him protectively. He didn't like that. He wanted to hit Knot for touching his Krist. He clenched his fist in anger. He walked away. He had drunk himself to sleep that night and the next morning, he had decided. It was time.

As always, he walked into his office and started his work. He thought of talking to Uncle Ben about this decision soon.

He was busy in his work when Uncle Ben arrived. He smiled at him and got up to hug him.

"Uncle Ben, what a pleasant surprise." Singto said smiling and still hugging him

Ben laughed and caressed his hair.
"I have some meeting's here today. What are your plans for lunch?"

"Nothing. Let's have lunch together. Let me finish soon." Singto said and sat down

Ben laughed and said,"Take your time. I have something to discuss with New. Meet me there."

Singto nodded.

New was surprised to see Ben enter his cabin. He hugged him and asked,"How are you, uncle?"

"I am good. I wanted to discuss something with you. Are you free?" Ben asked.

"Umm. I am now. Tell me what can I help you with..."

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