Chapter 3

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Singto didn't know why but he was still remembering that guy Krist's face and how he blushed when he saw him. He was lying in his bed. Normally he would reach his apartment by 10. Have dinner, watch some news and then sleep. But today he didn't feel like sleeping. He closed his eye's and all he could see was Krist. The way he blushed and the way he bit his lips. God, he wanted to taste those pink lips and hear him moan again and again.

"What's wrong with me? How can I be attracted to a guy? It's all New's fault. He put this idea into my head. I am not Gay..." Singto screamed out loud.

Meanwhile, at Tew's place, Krist was dreaming about Singto. How he looked naked. His broad shoulder's, his abs and his chest. Everything was perfect. He felt embarassed thinking that he almost moaned when he came closer to him. He smiled and played with his lips. He wanted to kiss Singto or see him half naked again. He wouldn't mind if someday they met personally like a date. He was smiling like a fool laying on bed. Tew looked at him and laughed. He threw a pillow at him and asked,"Will you stop imagining your boss naked?"

Krist took the pillow and covered his face.

"I still can't believe it. You got to see Singto Prachaya, your SO HOOTTT, boss naked and that too on your first day...I am so jealous now." Tew and sulked

"Why are you complaining? You have a Hot boyfriend. I bet Knot also has a hot body." Krist told him

Tew blushed and nodded. "That he has. Now please be serious. You are working there. You have to show him that you are a good and hard worker. From what I have heard, Singto is a devil. He doesn't forgive people who make mistakes. He fires them in a second. I don't want you to lose your job so soon. Got it?" Tew said

Krist nodded. He knew all that. He knew that no matter how much he fantasized about Singto, he could never be anything to him. He is just his assistants assistant. He was only going to meet Singto when New tells him. Tew laid beside him and said,"Don't be upset. I am sure you will find someone special too. Now sleep. You have to wake up early."

Krist nodded and closed his eye's. Tew was about to switch off the lights when his doorbell rang. They sat up confused.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Krist asked

Tew shook his head. They got up and went to the door. Tew looked in the door cam and saw Knot and the whole gang. He looked at Krist and asked,"What are they doing here so late?"

Krist looked shocked as well. He had not told them about staying with Tew and he was sure that they are going to be upset. He looked at Tew and said,"Let me hide somewhere. If they call me too, then I will just sneak out the window and come through the door. Ok. Just don't tell them that I am here."

Tew nodded. He waited till Krist was safe in the bedroom. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey guy's. What are you doing here so late?" Tew asked them. He looked at Knot but he could make out that he was angry so he stayed silent.

Once everyone was inside, Prem and Bright sat on the couch but Knot stood there and started looking everywhere. Tew noticed and asked,"What are you searching for? And you didn't answer. What are you doing here so late?"

Knot glared at him and said,"Call him out now. I am tired of being patient. Call him now."

Tew gulped. He had never seen Knot so angry. He looked at Bright for support but he too was angry.

"Call who? Whom are you searching for?" Tew asked

Knot sighed and shouted. "Krist Perawat. Come out this instant or else I will drag you out myself."

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