Chapter 7

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The whole way Krist was excited. He wanted to see his new home. He watched in amazement as Frank drove the car towards a posh and luxurious neighbourhood. He kept looking out the window at all the palatial houses lined up on both sides. He was feeling excited and special that his lover arranged all this for him. After a long time, the car continued on a lonely road. There were no houses there. He watched in awe as Frank stopped in front of a large mansion. He looked huge. He patted his shoulder and asked,"Is this...this...?"

Frank nodded and said,"This is your new home, sir."

He stopped at the gate and spoke at the intercom.
"Master Krist has arrived."

Soon the gates were opened and Krist could see the large lawn and a fountain at front. He was like a small child intrigued by everything. When Fred stopped the car, he ran out and watched the mansion.

"Woahh...are you sure we are at the right place? This is so huge..." Krist said excited

"Yes, sir. This is your new home. Please let's go inside." Frank said and gestured him to come forward.

Krist followed him and was surprised to see may people standing in a line at the entrance. He looked at them confused.

"Who are they?" He asked

"Let me introduce sir." Frank said and stopped in front of a woman.

"This is Shirley. She is the housemaid."

Shirley bowed in front of Krist and welcomed him. He just stood frozen.

"This is Maria and Tina. They are housemaids too."

"This is Ted and Hank. They are the cooks. They have specialised in all type of cuisines."

"This is Fred. He will be your bodyguard from now on. He will also be your driver if I am absent."

Krist just stared at them as they bowed in front of him. Ted came forward and asked,"Master, what would you like to eat tonight?"

Krist was still gaping at him. Ted was waiting for his answer.

"Umm. I don't know..anything you like.." He replied

"As it is my first day, I will cook something special for master." So saying he bowed again and taking Hank with him, disappeared in the back.

Krist's eyes followed him and he asked,"What is back there?"

Shirley came forward and said,"The kitchen is in the back, master. I have readied your room. If you want anything, you can call me or them."

Krist looked at her and asked,"My bedroom?? Where is it?"

They looked at him confused. Fred came beside him and said,"Sir, I will show you the house. You can follow me."

Just then another 2 guy's came running and bowed before Krist.

"Sorry master, we were readying your room so we got late. Please forgive us." Sam said.

Krist just nodded at them and looked at Fred.
"That's Sam, Ryan and Pan. They also help around the house. They will work according to your wishes."

Krist looked shocked at them and Fred. He felt dizzy with everything and held onto Fred. Fred looked surprised but supported him. He held his arms and said,"Sir, let me take you to your room. You look tired."

Krist just nodded and went with him. He looked at awe at his house. It was HUGE and full of luxury. He had never expected all this. He would have liked a small cottage with a garden and Singto. He wanted them to be alone in a far away place. Just the two of them. Not a crowd like this. So many people only for him.

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