Chapter 27

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"Can you tell me honestly now?" New asked

"What?" Singto asked

After dinner, they went to sit in the study. Singto was going to work but New dragged him to sit on the couch together. He could feel that Singto was not feeling good.

"Today you met Krist after 2 long year's and you ignored him. You didn't even look at him nor talk to him. Why? All this time, I thought you missed him alot ." New said

Singto sighed. He rested his head on the couch and laid down. New looked at him, waiting for his reply

"It doesn't matter anymore. I did what I think is right." Singto replied

"Don't you love him anymore? Don't you miss him?" New asked

"I told you it doesn't matter. I have done enough harm to him, now I won't. I don't want to keep him bound to me. Not even legally. That's why I have decided to divorce him. That's the only way to free him." Singto replied

New sighed.
"What about you? What do you want?"

"I just want him to be happy." Singto said

"Have you ever asked him if he wants to divorce you?" New asked

"I don't have to. I can figure it out myself."

"What do you mean?" New asked

"Isn't it obvious. In these 2 year's, he never came to see, no calls or messages. He lived happily all this time with his friends. Then why this marriage? Why drag it when we can end it early." Singto replied

"I can understand that you are upset. But shouldn't you ask him what he wants. Maybe he misses you too."

Singto shook his head. He ignored New. He didn't want to think anymore.

"New, can we please not talk about all this. I am tired. I am going to can sleep in the guest room or anywhere you like. Good night." Singto said and walked out.

New sighed and closed his eyes. He took his phone and called Ben but he stopped when he heard the door opening. He smiled at Ben, who came and sat beside him.

"So, what did he say?" Ben asked

"He is still adamant on divorcing Krist. I don't know why.  He thinks that Krist want's this too." New said

Ben sighed. He rubbed his forehead, unable to think.

"Are we still going with your plan?" New asked

"Let's see what Krist decides. I have messaged him to meet me tomorrow. Are you staying for the night?"

New shook his head.
"No, am leaving now. Tay must be worried. See you tomorrow then, uncle. Good night."

"Good night. I will tell Frank to drive you home." Ben said

New nodded and walked out. While leaving, he took out his shirt from his pants and yawned. He was tired too.

Krist was furious when he watched New come out like that. He had waited to see when New would leave. He got more angry when he saw that New left in Singto's car.

"So he picks him from office and they have dinner together? What happened to Tay? Why isn't he having dinner with his boyfriend? Sticking to Singto like a glue .." Krist went on rambling

By the time he reached home, his anger had increased. He wanted to vent his anger somewhere. He took his phone and was about to call Singto but stopped. He held the phone tightly and tried to call him but he couldn't. He didn't know how Singto would behave. He had ignored him for 2 year's and even this morning when they met. Maybe Singto doesn't want to talk to him anymore. Krist felt more horrible now.

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