Chapter 33

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Krist sat silent waiting for Singto to continue. He was afraid to react. 

"Did Singto bring me on a date to break up? Is he going to ask me to divorce?" Krist thought

"I used to come here every weekend with my parents." Singto said looking at the waves. He felt happy coming here after so many year's 

Krist looked at him, shocked as it was the first time he had mentioned his parents. He kept quiet, listening to him. Observing him as he spoke about them 

"Me and Dad used to play in the water, make sand castles. Mom would wait for us here. Laughing at us. I still remember their laughs. The way they loved me. Protected me always."

"I was a spoilt brat, you can say. Whatever I wished for, I had always got. Dad made sure if it. Mom would never scold me. No matter how much trouble I'd make." Singto said, smiling

"But I was smart in school. I took part in sport's too. My parents were so proud of me. They would show off my trophies to their friends and colleagues. I had many friends too."

"New has been with me since childhood. We went to same school and then college. He has always been by my side. Like Knot has been with you." Singto said smiling.

Krist just nodded. He understood now why New was always beside him. He felt foolish now to be jealous about them.

"I met Kate during a trip. I was with my friends and she was with her friends. We met and I was attracted to her. She was so pretty. We exchanged numbers and would go out on dates. I thought she loved me. But I was so wrong."

"When I caught her with another guy, she spilled everything. All she had wanted was my money. She was never interested in me." Singto said sadly. Now when he remembered everything, he felt awful. Krist squeezed his hand. Singto smiled at him 

"I was heartbroken. My parents were going on a trip. Mom wanted me to join them but I refused. I wasn't in the state of mind to enjoy. Dad told me to stay strong. That I will have someone who will love me for who I was. And that I should wait for the right person." 

"Two day's later, their car had an accident. the call ...I didn't understand....I couldn't killed see their....bodies....I couldn't live....I wished to die with them..." Singto cried

Krist cried too. He moved closer and held him. Singto cried, taking out all his bad memories.

"'s are not alone now. You have me now...stop torturing yourself. Your parents won't like seeing you like this." Krist whispered

"Sorry. I just couldn't control myself. I didn't mean to cry." Singto said, wiping his face.

"It's ok, P. I can handle everything. You can trust me." Krist said and kissed his forehead

"After the funeral, I was alone in the house. New came to stay with me. Dad's secretary and lawyer came over. They told me that the company was in trouble. I should take over soon. But I didn't know anything about managing a company. I wasn't ready to handle everything so soon."

"Luckily, my grandfather sent Uncle Ben. He not only saved me but gave me a family again. I stayed with them. Grandpa taught me everything about business. Uncle Ben helped me and made me a successful businessman. I owe everything to them."

"Grandpa was also so proud of me. But then he fell sick. He was worried that I will be alone so he made me promise that I will get married soon. I had agreed. But I didn't want to get close to anyone again. I did try to have relationship but all they wanted was  money. I don't even have much friends as I stopped trusting other's. All they wanted was my connection or some help with their project. No one was interested in just me."

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