Chapter 1

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Krist was tired. The whole day he was going to different companies to submit his resume. He sat down on a bench near the mall. He could see many people roaming around freely with their families or friends. They were laughing and enjoying themselves. Unlike Krist.

He was 22 year's old. He was an orphan. His childhood was spent in orphanage. Whenever a kid got adopted, he would cry. He wanted a family too. But he was never adopted. When he started University, he found great friend's like Knot, Prem, Bright and Tootah. They were like family, big brothers which he never had. Always protecting him. They came from rich families. Knot had offered him to work beside him but he refused. He didn't want to take advantage of their friendship. So he promised him that if by next month, he doesn't get a job then he will join him. Krist had agreed and so he was trying hard to get a stable job.

He had tried many jobs but he had to resign. At his last job as a waiter, the customer grabbed him and tried to misbehave. He saved himself but he got fired. That night when he finished his shift, that customer returned with some men and tried to force him again. Thankfully, Knot and Prem had arrived by then and rescued him. After that Knot and Prem had banned him from taking any night jobs. Hence, he was searching a day 6to9 job. He sighed and looked at the newspaper list again. There was still one company left. He sighed and stood up. He straightened his clothes and hair and went off.

Singto was glaring at his lawyer. He wanted to take a knife and slice him into pieces or better throw him into the sea or tell the mafia to kidnap him and then torture him like he is torturing him now. He glared at New who was standing silently. He wanted New to rescue him but he was just standing

"So as you know now that you are 25 years old, according to tour grandparents will, you will get all the property and companies when you get married. Now that you have come of age and have taken over your companies very well, may I ask when are you getting married?" Ben asked. He hated his arrogance. Singto was his son's age but Singto was too proud and egoistic.

Singto Prachaya, he was born with a silver spoon. He had everything he wanted. Loving parent's, good friend's and being handsome, he had lot's of girlfriends but all that changed. At the age of 15, his parent's died in a car accident. After that he had to learn everything about his business. His grandfather taught him everything. He also realised one more thing. All those girl's who came after him were all after his money. When his grandfather died, he made a will that he will inherit everything when he gets married at 25. Because that was their family's tradition. So that is why this lawyer was behind him.

He had managed to ignore it till now but now he has to do something. He didn't want to have any relationship as everyone was selfish and greedy. They only wanted him for his money. After taking over his business, he didn't have any relationship. He became cold and mean. He only had one friend New. He became his assistant.

After the lawyer left, New stared at Singto.

"What are you planning to do now?" New asked. He had been reminding him since last 3 years. He wanted Singto to settle down.

"Please don't start off again. I am not going to marry anyone." Singto said while doing his work

"Didn't you hear what the lawyer said? Even you had promised your grandpa when he was sick. Did you forget?" New asked.

Singto sighed. "I do remember. I don't trust anyone. You have seen everything. Everyone I meet is after my money. I don't want to get married now."

"But you have to. Atleast for grandpa. I will help you."
"Ok. But I am telling you I am not interested. Now go. I have to work. Did you arrange an interview for assistant?" Singto asked

"Yaa. Many people have sent their resume. I will go through and then arrange interview." New said and then went out.

Singto sighed and leaned back on his chair. It's been years since he had anyone beside him but he can't forget all that happened. He closed his eye's. He recalled when he was twenty. He had a girlfriend Kate. He loved her and was always beside her. He was going to propose her but he caught her cheating on him. The only thing she loved avout him was his money.

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