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"Are you really sure about this?" Prem asked

Krist looked at him and nodded 

It has been 3 months since that night, he and Singto started their new life again. Everything is perfect. And this time there are no lies, no threats and no contract. 

Singto has started spending more time with him like he used to before. They often go out on dates and when Singto is too busy, Krist goes to the office to help him. 

When Krist told Uncle Ben about their decision, he was so happy. He hugged him. He was about to leave the house but Krist stopped him. He liked him staying with them. Felt like a family. Also New would come over too. Krist had stopped being jealous about him spending too much time with Singto. He can't do much about it as New was Singto's second in command in office. 

Singto had to apologise alot to Tay. He hadn't forgiven him yet. He still hates him. Krist had called him over for lunch and dinner multiple times but Tay always refused. Krist wanted them to be friends again. Singto had offered him job with New in the same office, but Tay refused. He didn't want to see him everyday. At last, Uncle Ben intervened and told Tay to join his office and Tay agreed.

He had tried to contact Knot but he refused to meet him. Tew told him to not worry but he felt bad. He missed his best friend. So he called all his friends over to his house for a party. He told Prem to bring Knot. 

When his friends came over, they hugged him. Prem and Bright were relieved to see him happy and safe again. Knot hugged him too but he didn't talk much. 

"Are you really sure about this?" Prem asked

"Yes I am. I still love him and want to give this marriage one more chance." Krist replied

"Are you sure he isn't acting again? Like before?" Bright asked

Krist nodded. 

" I am sure. Also he told Uncle Ben to make a new contract and in that he wrote, that I am equal partner in everything that he owns."

"What do you mean?" Knot asked, curious

"I am his partner in all his properties, businesses and everything that he owns." Krist said

"Wow....that's alot." Gun said

"But what if he starts being psycho again?" Knot asked

"He won't. I trust him that he won't do anything to hurt me." Krist said

Knot looked at him and scoffed

"You were like this before too. And what did he do? He threatened everyone of us. Just to keep you locked up like a prisoner. He even tapped your phone. Put guards around you. He...." 

"I know all that. He has apologized for all that. He was scared to lose me. At that time, he did whatever he thought was right, just to keep me beside him." Krist said

"I know that it doesn't make it right but he was just too scared. He has lost his family and friends before. He didn't want to lose me too. He wasn't thinking straight at that time." 

"And now? Krist, we know that you love him alot but all we are worried about is only about your safety. We don't want you to get hurt again. That's all." Bright said

"Even before we were sceptical about you marrying so soon but we agreed because you wanted to. We know that you have always longed for a family of your own. We just don't want you to do the same mistake again." Prem said

Krist sighed. He thought it was only Knot who needed convincing but now he has to convince Prem and Bright too. He didn't know that they were so much worried about him.

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