Chapter Eighteen: Diary

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The next day Malvagità received her schedule. She was excited for ancient ruins and arithmancy. She went right to her first class. Already she loved ancient ruins. The professor took a liking to her because she already knew a large amount about the ruins they were studying. Hermione was in her class and a few Ravenclaws, two Slytherins, and a hufflepuff.  After her morning classes Malvagità was making her way to lunch when Crabbe and Goyle dragged her to the hospital wing. Draco had been attacked by a hippogriff.

Malvagità raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?” Draco smirked, “You know me so well…. I may have insulted it.” Malvagità sighed and healed his arm. “That was stupid. Hippogriffs are very self absorbed. They like to be complemented.” Draco nodded. “Yeah I realized that after, but maybe I should milk this injury to all that its worth.” Malvagità rolled her eyes, “Well you can have fun with that.” He smiled.

The next week or so Draco truly milked his “injury”. He even got his father to press charges against the creature. He also got Severus to make Ron cut his ingredients during potions. Malvagità always left early since she finished well before everyone else. As usual Malvagità excelled in all her subjects and she resumed tutoring her friends. Hermione did confront her about the whole talking to Scuro on the train and Malvagità told her the truth. Hermione was surprisingly okay with the whole thing and told Malvagità it was not her fault who her father was. It also helped that Hermione had seen the thing Malvagità was most afraid of: being like her father. Malvagità was quick to change the boggart into herself but dressed like a muggle hippy, and twirling around with flowers. This defiantly got laughs since Malvagità was not the type of girl who would enjoy flowers.

Draco was constantly making jokes about Professor Lupin’s clothes, but Malvagità liked him. Malvagità didn’t even care that the man was a werewolf. It was obvious to her after the first month. Malvagità spent a lot of time in the library, which of course led to her friends spending a lot of time in the library as well.

Malvagità finally got a chance to sit down with her mother’s diary, which she found when looking for her potions textbook. Malvagità nearly dropped the book when she read the first line: My Dearest Malvagità. She did not understand how her mother had known she would read this, but she continued to read.

            My Dearest Malvagità,

If you are reading this, I have passed on, and you have met my parents, your grandparents. I hope they are more welcoming to you than they were to me towards the end. I had hoped you would never have to read this, but alas we cannot control death. As you probably know from my previous diary, your father is the dark lord. If you do not know this then surprise! Well I suggest tracking down my other diary. It has all the information about who you are: the descendent of all for founders of Hogwarts. There is a prophecy about you, but I will get to that later on.

In this diary I have recorded my life until I was disowned. I had hoped to add more, but I am not sure if I will be able to. You will have to read everything, which will be no problem if you are a reader like your father and I. I have casted a spell so that you cannot go on until you have finished the previous entry. So this will prevent you from learning the prophecy until I did. I have gone in order of my life so you will learn in that order.

I do not know how you will be raised. If I have my way it would be by my parents, but your father would never allow that. I will try to convince him to put you in a muggle orphanage. I might even drop the line “look how well you turned out my lord,” but if not I hope you can still grow to love. Your father doesn’t know what love is. He only knows fear, loyalty, betrayal, and power. He may learn love with you, but I doubt that. He did not love me, and I didn’t truly love him. I want you to know that you are loved. I love you and as I am writing this I am only two months pregnant. I will always be watching over you my little devil, and I mean that in a good way.

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