Chapter One: A Dark Visitor in the Night

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okay so here is my new story called voldemort's child i hope you all like what i have so far cause i had a lot of requests to post this sooner! thank you for reading! don't forget to comment and vote because as much as i hate doing this new chapters will only be added if a get comments and votes. right now i am hoping for at least 10 votes and ten comments on both of these first two chapters.This is because I am entering the watty awards. if i get that then chapter three will be posted! the amount needed for the next chapter will increase every time, but enjoy!


            The night was dark and gloomy. Every once and a while the full moon would shine through the darkness, but then the dark storm clouds would cloak the night once again. A woman, dressed in a heavy black cloak and holding a small purse, waddled down the dark gravel road, her blonde hair blowing in the heavy and chilly wind. An old street sign displayed the name Kandrick's Avenue. The woman gasped in pain, clenching her stomach and her purse dropped to the ground. After a few moments of heavy breathing she grabbed her purse and continued down the lane, if possible even more determined than before.

She reached a large brick building and turned into the path. A sign was barely visible in the darkness, but the woman could make out the words Harnington Orphanage. She stumbled up the path to the door in obvious pain. With a shaky hand she knocked three times. It took a few moments but a light went on and a white night gown clad woman opened the door. "What is it? It is almost 11:30 at night and much—," she exclaimed but stopped when her eyes fell upon the poor woman.

She helped the blonde through the door and helped her remove her cloak. The old woman gasped when she saw the woman's large stomach. The young blonde woman once again gasped in pain: she was giving birth. The old woman quickly guided the pregnant blonde into a bedroom and laid her on the bed. She rushed out and woke two other older woman, nuns. As she ran, her grey hair was freed from the confinement of her white night cap.

The three ran back to the bedroom and help the woman give birth. Surprisingly, it was a rather quick birth, the blonde must have been wondering around having contractions for hours. With a last push, infant cries filled the air. The white clad woman grinned at the new mother and after the child was free of the umbilical cord, put the babe into the woman's ready hands. "Congratulations miss! A little girl at exactly 12 o'clock on New Years! What shall you name her?" The woman smiled weakly and said almost right away, "Malvagità Merope Riddle." The grey haired woman nodded, frowned at the odd name, "Is she named after someone?"

The new mother nodded, "Yes, Riddle is her father's surname. She has her father's mothers first name Merope, and of course her first name is quite fitting. Malvagità means evil in Italian. I expect her to take after her father, but only time will tell." The grey haired woman's eyes went wide. She could not believe someone would name their daughter evil. She soon realized she had no idea the mother's name and entered the room. She took the child and put her into a crib one of the others had carried into the chamber.

"What is your name miss?" The woman was now breathing heavily, "M-m-my n-n-name i-i-is H-h-hell-len-n-or. My name is Hellenore. M-m-make sure my daughter g-g-gets my p-p-p-p-p-p-purse. I-i-i-it i-i-is h-h-h-h-h-hers." With a final heavy breath the strength drained from the woman, and her soul went over. The child was now motherless, and for all the grey haired woman knew, fatherless as well. The woman sadly gazed upon the dead woman and gasped at a sort of tattoo on her arm. It was a skull with a large snake coming out of its mouth. It horrified her. She knew who wore those marks. Then she glanced at the child. The little girl's eyes were wide open. They were a beautiful blue, but then the changed to brown. Her hair was also changing colors. The woman felt a little sick.

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