𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 | Mɪᴋᴀsᴀ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Mikasa x Reader

I have no ideas on what to write, so that is why it is taking me so long to come out with one Oneshot

Minor Season 3 spoilers

Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of hooking up

Using She/They pronouns


(???/T)= Texture

(???/C)= Color

(???/L)= length

----In Mikasa's dream---

(Mikasa's POV)

The early morning sunlight streamed through the white curtains of my room. I slowly opened my eyes to the feeling of soft and tender arms around my waist and a body loosely wrapped against my side, which made me smile.

I craned my neck around to come face to face with a sleeping (Y/N). Their (H/L) (H/C) hair was messy with sleep, and their (L/C) lips were slightly parted. Slowly she turns her body around to face mine. Her arms move to rest on my abdomen, as they snuggle into my chest. I smile to myself.

Their eyes lazily flickered open, as she took in her surroundings. A yawn escaped her lips, just as she stretched out her tired body. She tilted her head upwards to look at me. My gaze never faltered, as I stared down at their beauty.

"Good morning, darling. You look as beautiful as always." She mumbles as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"T-Thank you." I avert her lazy gaze at the praise I received, in embarrassment.

"Aww, don't get shy on me now, Mika." I feel cheeks burn into a bright shade of scarlet at the rarely used nickname she gave me. They grin up at me, while she swings her legs around mine so that she was straddling me. They rise to their knees and the bed creaks with the sudden shift of weight. My blush only grows at the position that she put herself in.

They lean in leaving our faces centimetres apart. I feel my heartbeat loudly against my rib cage in anticipation of what would come next. They tilt their head to the side and I let my eyes flutter close; at the same time, I feel a pair of (L/T) lips make contact with my pink ones. Her lips glide over mine while a masculine pair of arms snake around my neck, deepening the kiss.

You both feel the oxygen depleting faster than you care to admit, but neither one of you wants to break apart. While my lips are moving hurriedly, trying to keep up the pace with theirs, they slowly move their mouth away from mine.

She begins to plant kisses along my jawline. I let a gasp escape my lips as I tried to regain the much-needed oxygen. Her hands make their way from my neck to my hair, yanking it back slightly.

I let out a faint whimper at the aggressiveness. Her mouth trails down to my neck, sucking on it slightly, making sure to leave a dark hickey. Another whimper threatens to fall from my lips, when the sound of the door creaking open causes the both of us to quickly dart our eyes over to the wooden door, separating us from everyone else. Her mouth leaves my neck and her hands clench my hair tighter.

"(Y/N)...Mikas-!" Armin quickly puts his hands over his face, trying to cover the scene in front of him. (Y/N) was on their knees caging my legs, they had their hands tangled in my hair, and they were in the process of giving me a hickey.

"Yes, Armin." I calmly state, trying to mask my shaky breath.

"Y-You need to have breakfast so you don't miss out..." Armin stutters, a vivid blush in embarrassment spread across his face. Armin slightly brings his hands from his face to look at me and (Y/N).

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