𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 | Mɪᴋᴀsᴀ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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I don't usually go back and edit oneshots I've posted like this, but this has been bugging me for a long time, I hope you don't mind.

Season 3, Episode 1 Spoilers

Warnings: Cursing, mentions of smut (no smut though)

Gender is not specified


You swing your fist forward, only for Mikasa to push it aside. You irritatedly growl at the deflected punch.

You and Mikasa were in the middle of a sparring session in one of the exercise fields in the Survey Corps. She had offered to train with you since you had the afternoon off and you were lacking slightly in the field of hand-to-hand combat. The blazing mid-day sun was relentless on your faces and backs as droplets of sweat flew haphazardly from your body.

You pulled your fist back once more and struck the space where her head had been milliseconds before, her black hair ticking your knuckles.

"Damn it, Mikasa!" You were frustrated, to say the least, that you had only managed to land a couple hits on her while she had doubled that.

Mikasa re-positioned her body so that she was beside you. Her fist shoots out again, and you quickly weave around it.

Both of you fell back into the rhythm of blocking each other's tenacious hits but never landing one on each other until you decided to disrupt the rhythm you created.

You drew your leg back and strived to kick her side so that she would lose balance. You could use that to your advantage and immobilize her and ultimately win.

You kicked your leg to the side, and what you didn't account for was for Mikasa at the very last second to catch your leg and tug it upwards, making you land harshly on your back.

You groan in pain when your back brutally connects with the hard dirt underneath you. Pain spreads from your spine to every nerve in your body. For a second, your mind went hazy as you gazed up at the sky dotted with clouds.

You squint while the harsh rays of the sun momentarily blind you. But then, you conclude that if you didn't get off your ass, you would lose the match. Also, you couldn't let her kick you while you were down; you had to get up. The fate of the sparring session depended on that. So you began to clamber up, only for Mikasa to pin your arms above your head, efficiently and instantly immobilizing you.

The match only ended if you surrendered, but your chances of winning dwindled drastically in your current predicament.

"Got you," Mikasa muttered breathlessly, her anthracite eyes searching your face before she apprehensively swallowed.

She was pinning your arms above your head while straddling you so you couldn't wiggle out of her grasp. Your eyes were closed due to the sun's glare. You were gasping to catch your breath. Your skin felt hot and sticky with sweat, and you smelled like it, too, accompanied by your designated scent. Her mind was hyper aware of every point of contact.

In your current position, if anyone were to walk out of headquarters, they would think much more...intimate acts were transpiring, and that precise fact exhilarated Mikasa, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

"You won't be able to get out of my grasp. So it's better if you admit defeat so we can go wash up and get away from the harsh heat waves," Mikasa points out, trying to convince you to give up and get you inside faster; thus, you could tend to her arousal.

You squinted so you could get a better look at her. "Now, why would I want to do that?" Mikasa's eyes grew before the corner of her lips tugged into a smirk. She sank so that your faces were inches apart. Her face obstructed the sun from your view, and you could finally get a proper look at her without squinting. Her usually stoic face swam with longing, her eyes clouded with it. Her face was flushed; whether from heat or lust was unknown to you. Her thin pink lips were pursed together, occasionally wetting them.

"If you surrender now, we can go inside, and I will graciously reward you in a more...savory way, hmm?" Her demeanor had radically evolved into something much more seductive, a hidden promise behind her words.

"Trying to bribe me, Ackerman? Sorry but no can do." Mikasa gave you a quizzical look before you kneed her rib cage, making her iron grip on your hands loosen just enough for you to twist and slip your hands out.

You grabbed Mikasa's shoulders harshly and maneuvered her upper body to your left. Then, you twist underneath her and roll the both of you over. You're hovering above her now, your knees on either side of her torso, while your hands pinned her shoulders down.

Mikasa appeared startled at the sudden behavior change. "What were you saying again, love? Something about me surrendering?" You raised one eyebrow, smirking deviously.

"Hey! Training's over the both of you. Get your asses inside before I drag you in there myself." Captain Levi's voice rang out through the deserted training grounds. Your eyes widened while you scrambled out of your previous position and gave Mikasa your hand, pulling her to her feet.

You saluted as the captain walked closer to the two of you, almost inspecting you. Mikasa stood nonchalantly, his hands closed in a weak salute.

"At ease, I shouldn't repeat myself a second time, should I?" His blue-grey irises dart to and from you, and you can feel the sweat accumulate on your forehead.

You silently gulp. "No, sir, we will be right in and wash up."

"Good, now get going, brats."

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir!" You gave a final salute before promptly walking off towards headquarters, Mikasa following behind you.

You shot her glare at her lack of respect, but she shrugged it off. Of course, that was normal behavior for her, but it still bewildered you how she was on the squad, even with her lack of discipline.

Captain Levi followed the two of you back at a respectable distance and at one that he couldn't overhear your conversation.

"Damn, my back hurts from when you threw me into the ground." You tentatively rub the sore part of your back. Mikasa had a quick and decisive internal debate before she took a step closer to you.

"I know another way to make your back hurt," she whispers seductively, a sly smirk forming at the edge of her mouth as she walks beside you.

Your eyes widen incredibly as you quickly turn your head to face her. "You wouldn't; Jean's next door." You shot back at her.

She raised an eyebrow incredibly, "Oh, you don't think I will. I don't give a shit about horse face. If I want to fuck my girlfriend, I'm going to fuck my girlfriend. He can--" You jab her side to force her to stop talking about such things in public.

"You're a damn tease, you know that?" you utter.

"It's what I do best, sweetheart," Mikasa assures you.

You followed the captain back inside and separated as you headed to your dormitories. Since you are in Levi's squad, you share a room with a bunkmate who happens to be Mikasa. Well, Historia moved out when she found out you two were dating, and you still thank her to this day.

Mikasa shuts the door behind her, and the two of you grab your body products and head to the communal showers. That's one thing that ticks you off, you don't have a private shower.

Once you finish, Mikasa shuts the door to your bedroom behind her. You set your toiletries on your dresser, and two strong, muscular arms envelop your waist. You catch a whiff of her shampoo. It's a faintly sweet scent with hints of floral. Then there's the invariable overlying scent of musk. It all mixes together to form Mikasa's signature scent, something you cannot get enough of.

She presses her mouth to your throat, leaving a trail of kiss marks to your pulse point. Her lips suckle the tender spot, and your back arches as pleasure tingle down your spine. Her teeth bite the site, and your breath hitches in your throat. She licks the spot as if in apology. When her lips move from your pulse point, you turn on your heel to face her. Her shock fades into something unreadable, her eyes cloudy.

Then, Mikasa whispers something. Something that raises the hair on your neck and sends your body erupting in warmth. Her words are like dripping honey. "Ready for another training session?"

This wasn't as good as I thought it would be and wasn't as long.

Have a good rest of your day!

(1463 Words)

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