𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 | Aɴɴɪᴇ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Spoilers for season 4, episode 23

Using they/them pronouns


You and Hitch were doing the only consequential job Military Police regularly do; pick up dead bodies. The rumbling began only 20 minutes ago. However, you were hauling civilian bodies that had been crushed by rubble from the wall collapsing. Taking old and young to the infirmary was an arduous task. Every bit of it reminded you of Stohess, where Annie...damn it.

You and Annie have been together since your cadet days. Throughout the first year of training, both of you had hit it off at once, and because of that, you two hooked up one fateful night. After that, the pair of you became attached at the hip to each other.

Albeit, Annie didn't utter so much as a word majority of the time, but she still communicated with you. The two of you completed training exercises together, ate together, did hand-to-hand combat together, everything.

Ergo at the end of the first year, after you enlisted, you confronted Annie about your feelings, and she acknowledged them, and to your bewilderment, she reciprocated them.

Sasha, when she found you and Annie in a salacious position; scampered out of the room and disclosed it to virtually everyone she knew. You didn't even have sufficient time to bribe her to keep her shitty mouth shut. After that, you both were involuntarily forced to come-out to your friends regarding your relationship. Not that you minded- of course still, something irked Annie constantly when the two of you were near Reiner and Bertholdt.

Annie had never previously spoken to Reiner and Bertholdt, yet Reiner scowled at the two of you. Bertholdt watched you with disappointment whenever you would walk past. You had expressed to Annie about your apprehension, and she brushed it off as them being homophobic.

The rest of your cadet years appeared to fly by in a whir, and sooner than you predicted it to be probable, the time to pick your regiments was among us. Annie was hell-bent on enlisting to the Military Police, and seeing that you were top ten, you could join her.

All you wanted was a comfy life in the interior. After learning about the monsters that awaited you the second, you stepped foot outside the walls, any confidence you had about being some kind of perfect hero diminished. The battle of Trost solidified your resolve.

So, the two of you were the only ones to join the MP's. Not that you cared in the slightest, you were just content to be with Annie.

Only a day after the Survey Corps 57th expedition was the battle of Stohess. You recruits were stuck with guarding the wagons that escorted Eren Jaeger into the interior, when a Titan battle erupted. Hundreds dead, their mangled bodies not even identifiable. What's worse was Annie being missing.

When Hitch delivered the news, you didn't sob, and beseech her to confirm she was dead. No. You merely nodded and resumed your duties just like any proper soldier.

Hitch was also the one to apprise you after the Scouts had disclosed the Royal government deceptions- that Annie was the Female Titan. Someone who had massacred hundreds of civilians and soldiers alike. You nodded and didn't dwell on it. You didn't know if your refusal to cry was because you refused to believe it or you were apathetic.

Only when Hitch had persuaded the Scouts to allow you to visit her- that you ultimately broke down. Alone in a dark room underground, you shouted profanities and questions at the girl who was not capable of answering.

Then, and only then, did you let yourself feel every bit of emotion that you had bottled up. Years of pent-up affliction, threatening to spill over at any given moment, was let loose. You sank to the floor, sobbing like a mad man. You were angry at her for keeping such a secret, for lying to you.

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