𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘴 | Hᴀɴɢᴇ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

437 5 0

No Spoilers

Gender not specified


"Why the fuck would I want to bake cookies?" you ask, looking up from your book. You were approximately halfway through, and the action was getting more intense. You were caught up in the excitement as your favorite characters figured out the truth about each other, so Hange interrupting you was beyond frustrating.

You laid on Hange's couch, using the armrest as a pillow as you set your book off to the side. In Hange's office, it was fairly large to accommodate all the equipment that they used while working, so the couch was towards the wall, out of the way. You read while Hange worked. That was your routine because your ranks forced you to spend diminutive time together. In order to see each other on a day-to-day basis, you both did this quite often.

Hange throws their arms in the air, "I don't know, why not?!"

You huff and push yourself off the couch. "Fine, but they must be the best damn cookies I have ever eaten."

If possible, Hange's face glows even brighter with excitement, their eyes twinkling with eagerness.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you-"

"Yeah, yeah." You wave them off. "Let's just get started already."

Their fingers intertwined with yours, tugging you forward and closing the door with a loud bang. Hange drags you along, prattling on about the cookies, practically skipping to the kitchen. You smile as their voice fills the empty halls. Hange has always been an eccentric person with a big personality most found hard to handle, but you didn't. When you first met in the cadet corps, you two instantly clicked, agreeing on various topics from politics to the proper way to cook a potato. Since then, you've been attached at the hip, causing chaos wherever you venture, and that's how it was with Hange, not that you minded. Their grand gestures, sweet words, and overzealous personality was endearing.

As you head to the kitchen with Hange bouncing off the walls, Erwin strolls past. He raises a curious bushy eyebrow at you two, and you shake your head as you pass him. Don't ask. You silently tell him.

Hange is too absorbed in their own world to stop so you can properly talk to him. So instead, he chuckles and walks the other way, leaving the both of you to your own devices, a dangerous thing to do when you're with Hange.

Luckily for you, no one is in the kitchen when they shove the swinging doors wide open. Hange pulls out the cookbook from the cupboard without hesitation, like they've done this a million times before, which you wouldn't be surprised if they had.

"All right, chocolate cookie? Oh, or maybe a sugar cookie? I don't know if we have enough sugar for that...maybe we could–"

You hold your hand up. "A chocolate cookie is fine."

The grin on Hange's face broadens, their eyes crinkling with the force of the smile. "See! I always knew you had impeccable taste. Well, these cookies are not going to bake themselves."

"I wish," you mumble as you pull the butter container out of the cold storage.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't be a pessimist (Y/N). Nobody likes a pessimist," Hange tsks.

"Obviously, you do," you retort.

"Yes, I do," they breathe, their lips so close that strands of wiry hair brush your cheek, making you shiver.

Hange's eyes light up with friskiness at your reaction. You are as stiff as a wire, (E/C) irises blown wide with surprise. Hange presses a light kiss to your lips and scurries to the counter where all your ingredients lie. You feel a blush rise to your face and look down, biting your lip to contain your giddy smile. It is the little acts of love or kindness that Hange does that get you the most sometimes.

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