𝘎𝘦𝘵 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘚𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 | Sᴀsʜᴀ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Sasha X Reader

Slight spoilers for season 3

Warnings: Cursing

Using they/them pronouns


"You all better be heading to bed, I better not see a single lit candle." Captain Levi peered at the new Levi squad.

"Yes, Sir." You all muttered dejectedly, knowing full well that you were going to stay up late against the captain's wishes.

He eyeballed the group dubiously, clearly not satisfied with the answer given.

"If I see any one of you disregard my direct command, I will personally make you sleep. By knocking you unconscious of course, and then when you regain consciousness you will scrub the wooden tiles on your hands and knees for the entirety of tomorrow. I will also proceed to double your training, as you would have missed it because you were too busy cleaning all day. Now, do I make myself clear that it is your utmost priority to drag your shitty asses to bed?" When all of you thickly swallowed and looked at each other visibly troubled and borderline horrified knowing that the captain would be true to his words, Levi felt satisfied that you guys would not disobey him.

He raised an eyebrow at your lack of response.

Releasing your mistake you all shout; "Yes, Sir!"

"Good, you are dismissed." You all quickly scurried the room, closing the door with a soft click.

You, Eren, Sasha, Jean, Connie, Historia, Mikasa, and Armin let go of a breath that you didn't know that you were holding.

"The Captain can sure be scary sometimes."

Jean studied the room, noticing all of the nodding heads at his statement. "Yeah, he is quite scary," you agree with Jean.

"Especially when it comes to cleaning," Connie appended, making you all dissolve into a peal of light laughter.

"Or when you mess up his tea," Eren continues, causing the majority of the group to stifle their laughter so the captain wouldn't catch wind of you laughing at him.

"I can still hear you. Get your asses to bed." You heard the deadened voice of Captain Levi behind the door. His voice sent a shiver down your spine and you all visibly stiffened up, none of you daring to breathe.

When you caught the sound of a chair skidding against the ground the eight of you right away rushed down the hall to where the bedrooms were located.

When you reached the corridor outside your chambers you finally let yourself breathe a sigh of relief.

"Phew! Now we escaped him." Connie studied the rest of you, while you tried to catch your breath.

"Yeah, but we should go to sleep, we shouldn't run the risk of the captain finding us awake." Armin pointed out, still apprehensive about the raven-haired captain's whereabouts. You all nodded in agreement.

"Well, goodnight everyone?" Sasha, who was beside you, spoke up.

"Yeah, but we better not be hearing any commotion from your guy's room." Jean teased, wiggling his finger at the two of you. Sasha's face immediately erupted in contrasting shades of red, while you kept your features more composed.

"G-guys we just sleep together! Uh, not like that, well I mean it is kinda like that. We just sleep in the same bed! That's it, I promise!" Sasha was a stuttering mess in an effort to defend the both of you, even though you two had agreed upon sharing the same bed weeks ago.

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