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"So you're the human who wants to be with my son?" Father asked Pha. Yo sighed in exasperation, he'd already asked Him not to intimidate Pha, but apparently He had his own plan. "Are you sure you can be worthy of someone so special?"

"I'll do my best," Pha said, swallowing hard before he answered. "I love him with all my heart."

"But a human's heart can change," Father seemed to disagree.

"Isn't love a choice?" Pha asked, having thought hard before coming to meet his angel's Father. "I promise I will choose him, every day I will make an effort to put him first in my heart and mind and keep our love strong."

"Hmm ... ," He seemed to be considering. "I admit that's a good answer. But my son is an angel, and you are human. He will have responsibilities that may take his time and attention. Will you still love him if he has less time for you?"

Pha looked down, trying to think. He knew he needed to make a good impression, but he couldn't just lie. Especially as Yo's Father was probably able to tell when Pha was lying.

"I don't know what I would feel if I thought Yo didn't love me anymore," Pha answered, "or if he stopped showing me that he cares. I think that would break my heart. But as long as he still loves me and lets me know that I'm the one in his heart, I won't give up. I'll keep loving him even when he's busy."

"You'll be busy too," Father responded, pushing the issue. "Human doctors have long hours and often struggle to maintain their romantic relationships or fall in love with someone they spend time with at work, leaving their other romantic relationships behind."

"I'm not that kind of person," Pha said, feeling the pressure to prove that he would be good to Yo. "I'll never neglect Yo. No matter how tired I am, or how much work I have, he will be my first priority."

Father nodded once, a twinkle in His eye that let Yo know he was starting to tease the human man, "Also a good answer. Still, I'm not sure if a human can ever be the equal of an angel. How will you ever be able to match up to such perfection?"

To this, Pha had no idea how to answer. He'd never thought about that, but in a way it was true. Yo was already so perfect. How could Pha ever be enough for him?

"Dad," Yo rolled his eyes and nudged his laughing Father in the side, "don't tease him."

"Oh, come on, it was just a little joke," Father smiled at Pha happily. "I was only teasing son."

"But you're right, sir," Pha frowned, feeling like he'd somehow lost, though Yo and Father were smiling.

"You don't have to worry about that," Father put his arm around Pha's shoulder and smiled. "Yo will explain later, but for now, just remember that you are equals in my sight. And call me Dad, you're part of the family."


"Are you okay, love?" Yo asked when they were back in his room. "Didn't you have fun today?"

"It was fun, I've never seen such a beautiful garden," Pha replied, distracted.

"Well, it is pretty close to Heaven, after all," Yo said, pulling Pha to sit with him on the couch. "Still, you seem worried. What's the matter?"

Pha looked down at Yo, his eyes filling with tears as he thought of losing the person he loved more than his life. He didn't know how to explain, but what Yo's Father had asked, really stayed with Pha, and it made him anxious. They weren't equals, Yo was so much more special. Why would he choose to keep loving Pha?

"Why do you love me?" Pha asked, finally addressing his questions. "You're amazing in a way that I can never compete with. Everyone loves you, even devils want you. Why would you choose me?"

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