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"So let me get this straight," Addison said glancing at Percy who was clutching the Seat of the quinn-jet as hard as he could. "Some time after the whole Apate thing you sent Bucky away to Wakanda to get his mind fixed and no one knew, You just let us fear for his life!?" 

Steve was still afraid of the small Demigod but answered none the less, "he wanted to be in hiding. He didn't want anyone to look for him and try to activate him before it was over."  

They land at the palace Steve and Natasha leading, Percy basically ran off the jet not believing he made it to Africa with out dying, Annabeth, Piper and Jason chasing after him followed by Bruce and Rhodey, Leo, Frank Hazel, Nico and will with Vision Addison and Wanda slowly taking up the rear and Thalia in the very back checking out her surroundings. 

"Should we bow?" Addison Heard Bruce ask

"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodes said seriously. The Demigod were thinking the same but they didn't even bow to their parents anymore. 

Steve walked up to who was assumed to be the King "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." He shook the kings hand.

Bruce bowed awkwardly to the King who Addison would later find was named T'Challa.

Rhodes Mocked shock "What are you doing?"

T'Challa dismissed him quickly getting him to stop, "Uh, we don't do that here." The demigods were relived to see such a humble leader "So how big of an assault can we expect?" The group begins to walk back into the administrative building.

Bruce Being the only one to have seen the full assault answered "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."

"How we looking?" Natasha asked 

"You will have my Kings guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..."

Bucky walked up to his old friend with a huge smile "A semi-stable, 100-year-old man." As the two daughter of Athena, Wanda, Bruce, and Vision were lead inside Addison broke off to hug him, 

"Don't ever disappeared again, I got enough of that from them," She jabbered her thumb back at Leo and Percy.  He nodded at her with a grin and let her walk inside. 

"How you been, Buck?"

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world."


In the princesses lab, Shuri scans the Stone with her kimoyo beads while Vision lies on the examination table. She flips her hand over and studies the hologram projected over her palm. "Whoa. The structure is polymorphic."

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." 

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Vision looks at Bruce as if to ask the same thing.

"Because, we didn't think of it." He answered Unsure. 

With a Reassuring smile Shuri told him "I'm sure you did your best." 

"We? why didn't you tell us this before." Annabeth scolded. After spending a lot of time in Addison's lab she now understood how all the tech stark ever made worked, Including a little bit on Vision.

"Someone go and get Leo hopefully with us all working we could get This done fast and destroy it." Addison taking the set of Kimoyo beads Shuri handed her to work with. 

"So you Can do it?" Wanda asked. 

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She looked To King T'Challa "It will take time, brother."

"How long?" Steve asked. 

"As long as you can give us," Shuri answered handing the Latino boy another set of beads as he walked in ready to work. 

Addison sighed deeply, "its gonna be okay." She looked like she was assuring Vision but it was really herself.

A shock wave hit the barrier, "It's too late." Vision exclaimed sitting up "We need to destroy the stone now."

Natasha moved towards vision pushing him back "Vision, get your ass back on the table."

"We will hold them off." T'Challa, Okoye and the guards head out. 

Steve turns to Wanda before he leaves with the king "Wanda, as soon as the stone's out of his head... you blow it to hell." 

"I will." 

Addison and Shuri worked on the stone itself while Leo and Annabeth worked on moving the Neurons that were lower into place. Wanda felt a little out of place she had no idea what was going on, "Wanda" Annabeth drew her attention, "We've get everything covered up here go out there and fight." 

The witch looked at her girlfriend and her brother on the table, Addison briefly looked up her face still scrunched up in concentration, "Go Wanda Anna is right we got this They'll need you down there, You're a power house sweetheart and they need all hands on deck." 

"But the stone-"

Addison handed her a comm, "I'll call you as soon as its out they got no chance on you." 

Wanda hesitated a little but eventually decided that she was needed on the ground like Addison said. She wasn't needed for support Addison knew what she was doing and even if Vision was her best friend he had four people working on him who could reassure him and one was his sister. 

"who's bright idea was it to connect everything to the stone sorry man you may lose some powers." Leo said doing all he could. 

"I don't care." Vision said

The synthazoid winced at Annabeth's rough movements, "Sorry Vision." 

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