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The demigods made their way back to camp Half blood, well all except Addison she made her way back to the compound with Steve and Natasha. When she got back to what she called her third home she darted off toward her room she curled on her bed and sobbed her heart out clutching on to Wanda's pillows. 

Everyone thought best to leave her alone for a few days considering her mood ranged anywhere from sobs to screams and her powers acted out. She would make a brief appearance in Steve's peripherals every morning as she went to the fridge and cabinets to horde food for the day. Natasha saw her slink into her fathers room with Wanda's pillow, Wanda's sweater, Peter's star wars blanket, her phone, laptop and dragging a cooler and loaf of bread behind her. she seemed to have set up camp in there for a few days. 

Her phone rang days later but she ignored it, At the fifth call she picked it up and threw it against the wall and watched it smash taking full notice of the fact that her family was rich and her best friend could make her a new one. "Addison!" She whipped around to see Nico on the other side of an Iris message. 

"What!" she snapped.

"We were just calling to tell you that all the Demigods are okay apparently the fates cast some kind if spell because earths gonna be in some type of disarray the next few years" he said cautiously. "look I understand-" 

"No you don't!" she shouted tears streaming down her cheeks again, "You lost your mom and your memories were whipped, then you lost Bianca years later, and i feel for you I really do, But you don't understand this, I had nothing up until a few years ago. Three days ago I had the best life ever, I had a family, I had three brother's, my father, two mothers, a family of super powered aunts and uncles, and me and my girlfriend were on the first vacation I had ever had. now in the span of a few hours I cut my vacation a month short lost my all three of my brothers, my girlfriend, and half my family." she clutched the sides of her head and rocked back and forth. 

Nico swiped though the Iris and shadow traveled into the room, "fine you're right I don't get it but the people around you do." he grabbed her hands and pulled them away from their face. "Some of demigods have gone though that, I mean right here in the compound Steve's whole life flipped around like nothing, Pepper and Rhoady lost Tony too. Clint's on Vacation right? First why did nobody call him for this and second, he was the closet thing Wanda had to a father. There are people who know what your going through right now. Don't hide away talk to them." 

"No one knew were he was, he's not on vacation he's retried." she hugged Nico tightly, "Thank you Nico." 

"'Course, Now go talk to your family." he pushed her out the room and she stumbled down the hall until she found Steve and Nat. 

She didn't say anything but just stood there until she was noticed. Nat was the first to notice her and tapped Steve. Both looked at the hero, she was in and over-sized black sweeter, clearly Wanda's, a pair of ironman Pajama pants, and black fuzzy slippers. Her hair was in a messy bun, her eyes were red and puffy and and she had dry tear trails on her cheeks. This brave warrior looked so fragile and breakable. This was no where near the battle ready solider they had seen on the field. Oh how the mighty had fallen. 

There were no words spoken as she slowly walked towards Steve she couldn't say anything just collapsed into him and sobbed her heart out. Natasha made her way around and hugged her just letting her cry until she calmed down. 

Memories flooded her head of her and Wanda, Her and Peter, and Her and Tony. She enjoyed the memories and sighed as she clutched on to the shattered remains of her family.  

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