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Thaons ignores her outburst but lets go of Wanda anyway, "Now... is no time at all." He reaches forward, clenching the gauntlet, emerald filigree surrounding his wrist, making a gesture very similar to that Doctor Strange. In response, a bead of yellow light starts gathering in on itself as time is reversed and growing in size, solidifying into an intact and conscious Vision. 

"NO!" Wanda screams. She lunges for Vision and is swatted away. 

Addison Stands on shaky legs and deploys her whips. Percy Shooting up two slabs of rock to help her stand, she snapped her whips out Wrapping around Thanos' forearms pulling him back a bit, "Vision go!" She pulls back trying to get Vision a second to go. Thanos Unfazed by the shocks, pulled forward. Thankfully her Arm only broke and only one of them as she let go as soon as one was pulled far enough. 

Thanos picks up Vision by the throat, lifting him above his head and digs the fingers of his right hand into Vision's forehead, digging out the Mind Stone. He pulls it loose, and Vision goes limp losing his color till He's only gray; he tosses the lifeless synthazoid aside like he was meaningless. He lands next to Addison who drops to the floor besides her fallen brother.  Bringing his gauntleted up, he slowly moves the Mind Stone over the last empty place, and drops it in. The energy surges through him. His torso is wreathed with iridescent bolts of power shooting through him, he screams from the sensations.

Thanos studies the completed gauntlet, but a massive bolt of lighting strikes him, digging him into the ground making him fall to his knees. Thor is over him, eyes glowing with not only his power but his rage. The God of Thunder pauses his attack, reverses his position, raises Stormbreaker above his head and hurls it. Thanos fires back all the stones against it, but it only creates a rainbow colored shock, not slowing the ax as it slams right into His chest. Relief fills though who were still conscious. 

Thor lands in front of Thanos, who is down on one knee a glare present "I told you. You'd die for that!" Addison had no clue what he was talking about but she assumed it had something to do with Loki's absence 

He takes hold of the back of Thanos' head and forces Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while the titan cries out in pain. Thanos weakly stammers out You should have... you..." In a moment of strength he finishes "You should have gone for the head!

He raises his fully powered gauntlet and finally snaps his fingers. "NO!"

There's a brief flash of light, "what did you do?" Thor whispers in shock before screaming, "What did you do!" 

Thanos studies his charred gauntlet and arm for a moment before, he uses the Space Stone and teleports away, leaving Stormbreaker behind falling to the ground coated in purple blood.

Steve Stumbles into the clearing, holding his left side "Where'd he go?" He looks around in  360 as if thanos will just pop back up. "Thor... where'd he go?"

Wanda Crawls over to her girlfriend both of them crying their hearts out. "I'm sorry Addie I tried, I tried so hard." She sobbed into her girlfriends shoulder. 

"Its not you're fault." Addison assures her both glancing at Vision's lifeless corpse. 

Bucky suddenly stumbles over, "Steve?" He drops his gun and collapses into ashes, much to Steve's shock he walks over and touches the ground where Bucky's ashes fall disbelievingly.

On the battlefield, Wakandan soldiers disintegrate to ashes, much to The demigods horror. They all glace at each other thankfully all in tact. They start seeking the others out not ready to lose the only family they have. 

T'Challa reaches for a fallen Okoye "Up, General. Up! This is no place to die." T'Challa holds out his hand for Okoye Who grabs it. Suddenly her king disintegrates into ashes and Okoye falls back on the ground confusion and Anguish present in her features. Few seconds later, she gets up herself.


Groot  Slowly corrodes into ashes by Rocket "I am Groot" [TRANSLATION: "Dad?"]

Okoye screams out repeating herself in the distance. 

"No... no. No. No. No! Groot, no..."

Wanda crying in her girlfriends arms mourning over Vision, Feels her hand become weightless and pulls away, "Wanda" Addison looks on in horror, "No, No, No, No, No." She grasps at her holding her in a tight hug, "Don't leave, Please don't leave me" She feels Wanda's hand bush her hair from her face before she falls forward. Now alone with ash covering her arms. she screams in pure agony falling back, laying her head on Visions hard lifeless side. She had lost her brother and Girlfriend today and she had no idea where her father was or if he would come home. 

Percy kneels next to His friend placing a hand on her back.

An injured Sam turns to ashes, hidden in the undergrowth. Rhoady coming forward searching for his friend, missing him by only a few feet and a few seconds "Sam? Sam, where you at?!"

the remaining team members, Steve, Thor, Rhoady, Bruce, Rocket, Annabeth, and Leo, are left huddling over Addison Percy and Vision's body. Steve turns over Vision's bleached corpse, Addison still refusing to move from him, as Natasha runs up to the other survivors. She sees Vision and Immediacy backs up face falling in horror and Utter disgust at the gapping hole in Vision head and the state of his body. She holds her stomach, not bothering to hid her emotions. 

Steve Falls back letting the weight of everything finally over take them, "What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhoady asked desperate. 

"We lost." Annabeth says in disbelief, "Bu-but we never lose we cant lose." She shook her head stumbling backward, "We can't. We weren't born to lose." She falls back on a tree root next to Rocket, Burring her face in her hand "We're not supposed to lose" she sobs out. 

Percy makes a quick decision to make his way over to his girl friend figuring Addison was safe in the arms of her family. 

"Oh, Gods." Steve breaths out. He rubs Addison's back Pulling her away from the corpse so she could cry into his chest. 

There was static over the comms, then the clear voice of Will, "Percy, Annabeth, Leo Addison Respond." His desperate voice calls out, "I repeat Percy, Annabeth, Leo Addison Respond. Please"

"yeah we're here." Leo answered, 

"All of us." Percy added, "But your not gonna get much out of the girls right now." 

They heard Annabeth's muttering and Addison's Heart wrenching sobs. "Why are we all still okay." 

"I don't know" Nico said distractedly, "But we have to make sure everyone else is alive. 

The Red Olympians War (Olympia Book two)Where stories live. Discover now