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Wanda used her magic to close the wound, "I'm beginning to think we should have stayed at the hotel." He huffed trying to lighten the mood a bit. 

Addison felt useless Vison was an android not human so she couldnt heal him. Corvus Glaive snatched vison from then slamming him against the near by buildings, "Vis." Wanda shouted. Proxima Midnight swung her weapon at the two girls from their place behind a pillar Wanda fended her off with her magic and Addison's Sword was in her hand in seconds. 

Proxima Midnight used her staff as some gung of gun and shot Wanda back, "Okay now I'm even more pissed." Her eyes glowed red, "Drop your weapon." her voice laced with charm speak. Proxima Midnight was stronger then expected and willed herself not to listen to the demigoddess. "I said Drop you're weapon." in an effort to ignore Addison she jumped away and aimed herself at Wanda. 

Addison wasn't having it and landed on her back rolling her away from the witch. the two hero's were back on their feet in seconds against Proxima Midnight a laser from the mind stone blew up cars in the the back ground momentarily distracting Addison enough for her to get knocked over pissing off Wanda. 

Addison got herself up in time to here Vison Scream, Wanda threw Proxima Midnight through a broken car. She looked at Addison who nodded and she brought the two up to Vison. 

Corvus Glaive turned when he heard the two girls land on the roof, "Hands off." They said together. Addison's Fist was Ablaze, her and Wanda double attacked Corvus Glaive sending him flying off the building. 

Wanda tried to get them out of there again but they were shot down by Proxima Midnight though a glass roof at a train station. Addison heard Wanda scream in pain and vison slip from there grasp. "Come on Come on Come on." Addison emerged Wanda and Vision, "You two gotta get up." 

Wanda nodded and moved towards vison In and attempt to heal him again, "Addie's right we have to go." 

Addison placed her hand on Wanda's forehead healing the cut that became present. Vison Shook his head, "Please leave." He said placing his hand on his sisters shoulder.

Addison shook her head, "No I'm not leaving anyone else to die." flashbacks of the wars filled her memory. 

"We're staying. We're staying." the first was directed at Addison the second at Vison. Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive came crashing through the roof leaving Wanda and Addie to try and fend them off again. 

A train passed behind them making Proxima Midnight look questioningly at the figure standing on the other side of the track. She threw her weapon at them but the caught it. out of the shadows walked Steve Rodgers. Addison felt relief wash over her. Falcon came flying over head and Kicked Proxima Midnight away sending rockets at Corvus Glaive. Steve threw Proxima Midnight weapon back across the tracks and Natasha came in running and caught it, stabbing Corvus Glaive with it making him drop his weapon. Proxima Midnight bounced back, Steve was promptly across the track rising Corvus Glaive's weapon to block her. 

Addison couldn't keep up she was to focused on healing Wanda but she could tell they were kicking ass. Vison Kicked Proxima Midnight away making her crouch neck to Corvus Glaive who was fatally injured at least Addison Hoped it was fatal. she looked up at Sam who had two guns pointed at her and Corvus Glaive "Get up." She ordered. 

"I can't." 

"We dont wanna kill you but we will." Natasha spoke in a deadly calm voice. 

"You'll never get the chance again." 

She teleported them out of there her weapon snatching itself out of Steve's hand. "and I thought I was protective of my sword."

the three hero's walked over to the kids and Android, "Can you stand?" Falcon asked helping Vison up. 

Vison Nodded at Steve, "Thank you Captain." 

He nodded, "Lets get you on the jet." 

~~~ On the Jet~~~

"I Thought we had a deal when we let you two out. Stay close Check in dont take any Chances. Addison you're dangerous enough being a demigod but now you a hero." Natasha scolded.

Addison flinched at the mention of her full name Natasha sounded like her mother "We did all of that we had a check in with dad right before this all happened. How were we supposed to know Aliens would come out of nowhere." 

"Sorry" Wanda apologized, "We just wanted time to ourselves for Addie's birthday." 

"We didn't do anything." Addison insisted. "You sound like my mother." 

Natasha glared standing up and heading to her seat in the cock pit, "Where to cap." 

"Home," He told him.

Addison sat back in her seat staring at her hands, Every movement she's ever made with then shot though her mind. Every time she's wielded her weapons every slash, every stab, Every whip, every punch, Every deadly move shes ever made and by Hades there was a life time of them. tears streaked down her face as she clenched them in to fist. Natasha was right she was dangerous. She was no hero she was a killer who hadn't snapped yet and that was saying something.

Wanda Slipped her hand into the Demigod's reminding her of every time she used the same hands to hug Wanda, Every time she touched her cheek or chin and brought her into a kiss every time she lulled her to sleep while running her hands through her hair every time she picked her up and held her. No words were needed for Wanda to remind Addison how important she was and how she was not dangerous, that she was a hero but even still it wasn't enough to change her mind. 

She saw blood she saw blood on Wanda's back when her hands touch there, she saw blood leak down Wanda's cheek or chin, she saw blood streak though her hair. No matter what she just saw blood 

The Red Olympians War (Olympia Book two)Where stories live. Discover now