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So that's exactly what they did they took some money from Tony and ran around the world. Actually they ran around Europe. It was a two month vacation to themselves around Addison's 23th birthday. They left the month before and would be spending all of her birth month there. Tony was in overprotective dad mode by the second month, not because they could have gotten hurt no both were strong enough to be safe, he was worried that his daughter was alone with her girlfriend like really alone for the first time.

There was a knock on their hotel room, Addison got up from the bed were her and Wanda were watching TV. Wanda sucked her teeth because she was just about to give Addison her birthday gift. Addison gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Its only gonna take a minute." She quickly slipped some PJ pants on since she was only in an over sized T-shit that belonged to Wanda and opened the door. "Vis?" She asked in shock to see her brother on the other side of the door. "What's going on?" 

"Stark sent me to check on you and Wanda," he said. 

His sister groaned and stepped aside letting him in, "Dad is gonna be the death of me." she grumbled grabbed her halo stark phone off the night stand, "Call dad." Toney picked up and she flicked her wrist down and a hologram of his face showed up "Really dad." her and Wanda gave him an annoyed face.

"I just wanna make sure your safe."

"No you wanna make sure I'm not like you."

He gave her an accusatory look and he caught Wanda giving him an 'admit it' look from her place on the bed, "Can you blame me I was a horrible person."

She sighed. "Dad I'm a big girl I can make my own choices and my weird robot brother hasn't been here the whole time and will not continue to be here the second month." His face paled, he looked behind her to Wanda who was red as her magic now. "I'll send him home in a few hours bye." she hung up and layed back on the bed with Wanda who had a coffee cup in one hand and a small box in the other. "Sorry about the interruptions where were we."

"I was giving you these." Wanda passed her the small box. Addison opened it and gasped, inside were really big expensive looking diamond earrings. "I got Hazel to get me the diamonds and Leo asked his dad to make them into earrings I know how you are about me spending a lot money."

She smiled and kissed her Girlfriend. Still very aware of her robot brother in the room she had to pull away before it got heated like the night before.

After talking with Vison a little he started acting weird he pulled the curtains back and looked out the window flinching a little and touching the mind stone in his head. "Vis? Is it the stone again." Wanda asked.

"Its as if its speaking to me." he said touching it.

Wanda and Addison moved off the bed towards him, "What is it saying?" Addison asked worry lacing her voice.

He turned to them, "I don't- I dont know, something." Vison was much like Addison and Tony he hated not knowing. the stone glowed and he winced harder this time. he placed Wanda's hand in the stone in a desperate attempt to stop the stone yelling at him. "Tell me what you feel please."

She used her magic and looked at both her girlfriend and her best friend, "Theres nothing just him."

~~~ The next day Scotland ~~~

The two girls were walking Vison back to the train Addison and Vison were talking about where Nat, Steve and Sam had been. Apparently there had been some weird reading recently and they were dealing with those issues. (Doing this from memory on my phone bear with me). Wanda stopped and looked in a shop window behind them. "Wand?" Addison asked Coming up next to her girlfriend. inside there was a TV shoeing a giant space ship, an attack on new York and two aliens.

"What are they?" Wanda asked

"What the stones warning me about." Vison realized.

The next headline showed a picture of Tony and said he was missing. Tears sprang in Addison's eyes. She started hyperventilating, Wanda pulled the smaller girl in to her and placed her head on her shoulder to keep her from looking at the TV.

"I have to go."

"Vision if thats true maybe going isn't the best idea." Wanda glanced at Addison giving him a clear sign, 'if Tony's gone she'll need you'.

Vision understood but still felt he needed to go back, "Wanda, Addie-"

Addison cut him off when her battle sense went haywire, "Vision Move!" He wasn't quick enough and was stabbed through the chest. His human like appearance faded and turned into his normal red skinned appearance with the yellow mind stone prominent on his forehead.

"Vision!" They two girls screamed. The alien that had stabbed him threw him aside and looked at them. Wanda and Addison go to attack but both are thrown through a shop window. another alien steps on Visons shoulder keeping him down while the other tries to pry the stone out of him.

Addison jumps up first and sends a plus of light at the one prying at Vison sending him flying back and Wanda sends her magic at the girl doing the same. she able to lift up Addison and Vison to try get them out of their safely.

He leaned on the two girl as they got him to a safe spot, "The blade its stopped me from fazing." 

"is that even possible?" Addison asked in a panic. 

"Its not supposed to be." 

The Red Olympians War (Olympia Book two)Where stories live. Discover now