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"I know you're in there."

I called out, not even looking at him. Not that he could enter the room considering Sandy left something called cloaked salt on the doorstep. I loved the woman but half the things she did always went over my head.

"Zach." I sighed, feeling his frustration even from here. "I had to do what's best for me, for us. This world has given us another chance to start over, we finally have a way to be together. I can't live without you and you don't even want to come back!"

I heard a small groan in return. As the days passed, he was getting stronger, fighting with anything that could help me bring him back. If he could just talk or listen to me, I'd calm him down. Tell him how much I missed him. But it seemed like no matter how hard he tried, he could never talk.

Never show his rage without hurting me.

Sighing again, I finally looked up and almost immediately closed my eyes. Only his glowing eyes were visible through the door and the rest of his body was missing. My Zach, my beautiful soul mate was now nothing but a monster.

"Shh, don't go there." I heard a voice whisper, making Zach disappear. "Let the girl live."


What? Now they were trying to kill me? Curling my lips, I waited for one of them to open the door. Zach hardly interacted with others and I might be in a drug induced state for a whole week but I wasn't above attacking these idiots for the second time.

Especially when the last time wasn't even my fault.

I was just doing my business, plotting a bigger plan to escape when that pet of master pulled me off from the dinner table to talk. As if. I should have known it was going to be another trick of his. Since the minute I was taken here, Byron had made it his mission to mess with me and my plans.

Speak of the devil.

The door opened slowly revealing Byron in his glory. His eyes locked with mine but not before sneaking a glance at the chains. Bastard.

"5132, you've caused a lot of trouble." His face had that grim look that would have made me fall on my knees in fear even two months ago. Even the orderlies were better than him. "Our institution is getting bad reputations because of you. What do you want me to do about that?"

Even if I wanted to smack him for that smug look, I decided not to poke the beast until I was out of these chains. Besides, I promised Sandy that I'd behave. "I'm so sorry. I-I don't remember what I did?"

Instead of terrorizing me like other times, his eyes widened but only for a second before he was back to normal. "You took my advice, I see. How're those pills working for you?"

Pills? I had to act quickly even if I didn't understand what the fuck he was talking about. "It's working wonders. Thank you."

"I told you it would. No pain, nothing. I'm helping you here and yet you hurt the staff, you talk back every damn time. No human has felt safe near you-and now we know why."

All he ever did was lie.

It's only for a week.

These people won't hurt you.

So, why the hell was I interested to know what he had to say? Even he knew that by the way he smiled, coming closer to me. His hands raised to I think touch my chin but at the end, he just caressed the chains, tugging it hard to almost make me whimper.

"What do you know about vampires, 5132?" He wondered aloud. "Witches, Werewolves, Banshees...Reapers?"

I shook my head, feeling the back of my neck suddenly warm for some reason. "We made up those characters to escape reality."

"Hmm. I believe you heard the rumors, yes? That a spirit haunts the place, the same one that came with you. Master wanted to meet you personally the very first time he heard about you but I had to know if you have teeth to bite. So far you don't."

If I wasn't already in a sanatorium, I would have gladly throw Byron in it. What the heck was he blubbing about?

"Surprisingly, you're still human even if you have witch blood. The most vicious blood of the century in fact." He inhaled my neck, his lips opening for a second, enough for me to notice the abnormality in him. Holy hell. What was that!?

"Byron, I-"

"Shhh, let me taste your fear. There is it. Master would have liked you so much but I can't let him have you. Not until I know you're the only one left."

Only one left? I felt another warm sensation behind my back as if something was trying to make its way to my spine. Slithering a tail like organ or coiling like a snake maybe? Oh hell no. I should have been afraid but the only thing I felt was raw anger.

"You're pushing against my hold, 5132. Your body is fighting for control. Fascinating." He almost sounded proud of my achievement. Creep. "Even weaker, you're stronger than them. Those vultures that you walk with. Sandy, was it? Your nurse? Did she ever tell you who you are? The truth?"

"I'm 5132. A bitch who will bite your hands off if you don't move right about now." Shit, Lana, shit. What have you done?

With a hollering laugh, he moved but not before inhaling my neck once again. "You think you can play games with me? Hmm? Descendant of Deshayes. Such a pity that you are never getting out."

He was just spurting bullshit like every other time.

That's it.

But why did my body felt familiar with the word, Deshayes?

Since the day I came here, I've seen some pretty weird things. I've seen ghosts, ear-splitting screaming women, deadly witches but this? This was starting to fuck with my mind, made me question things I shouldn't. Like what I just saw with my own eyes. Those shiny teeth...

"What do you want with me, Byron?" I asked at last. All the other questions could be answered later. I'll just have to bribe Sandy with my blood again. "Why am I here?"

He tasked. "Haven't you figure that out yet? Master wants you. The Volkios want you, I want you. You're a walking prize at this point."

Fuck me.

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now