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"'re not my lunch." 

"And you are not my little soul."

The Emie look-alike did a double-take and still couldn't turn down the frown when she didn't recognize me. But then again how could she? When she was out in the world, I was locked in a ready-made hell. Thankfully, Zed brushed past me and took a front so that she could see both of us. 

"Lana." He politely uttered, offering her a smile and the girl's eyes sparked up to recognization.

So, Zed did know her personally.

"Zedkiel." Her curious eyes searched Zed's. "No offense, but we thought you went back to your clan weeks ago?" 

He nodded respectfully. "Ah yes, I did. But work called again and here I am."

"It's so good to see you again." Her smile spread before her gaze found mine again. As if Zed now remembered that I never introduced myself, he tipped his head at me. 

"And this is my...friend, Alexei." 

Her eyes widened a little. "I swear I heard this name somewhere..."

I cut her off with a stiff smile of my own. "I can assure you madam that you haven't heard it from anyone."

"Oh shit, I didn't even invite you in. Come on, both of you. I'm sorry but Mikhail isn't home. He's out handling a case with Aaron. Before you say anything, it wasn't me." She giggled with a weird twinkle in her eyes, guiding both of us to enter her small cozy house. The whole house was a typical modern style nowadays people used. It made me miss my old one but I shrugged it off.

"Hey, it's fine. I am not here for Vermon, I am actually here for Zach. Is he here?" Zed asked to which she nodded. Inside the house, I looked for anything that could trigger my shadows to detect danger, however, I didn't find anything. Not until Emie's sister, Lana opened her mouth. 

"Zach! Zedkiel's here!" She yelled out. "Oh no! I'm a terrible host! Sit and wait here, I'll give you something to drink. What would you two like?" 

"Nothing," I answered without bothering to look at her. Zed gave me a warning look before smiling politely at Lana. "Tea will be fine."

"Got it!" With that, she left. 

I was just about to ask where the person who sent the file was when he shushed me with a strange look. To not my surprise, I too caught the sound Zed was indicating to. After waiting for a few minutes, the stair squeaked as a blue-eyed man came running from upstairs. The moment he was near, my nose flinched in acknowledgment.


He smelled like Hell. 

Without warning, my shadows left my body to circle the unknown man in anger. Even my voice wasn't mine when the words were screamed into the room. "What are you doing here, hell creature!" 

The man in question squeaked out a reply. "Fuck! Who is this, Zedkiel!"

Zed immediately jumped from the sofa, his hands raised to stop me from going for this Zach's throat. "Alexei, leave him, for devil's sake!"

I raised my eyebrows in fake concern. "Oh, but why, master? He is a hell-creature. I thought we don't let them stay on earth or have the rules been changed since I was gone?"

"AL-Lexei?" Zach choked out. "As in the King of shadows?"

Right at that moment, Lana walked in with a tray but not before her eyes took into what was happening, to see my hands on Zach's throat and Zed trying to calm me down. It didn't take her seconds to throw a glare at me.

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